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About jtrainz

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  1. jtrainz

    Using Skype, and losing in game sound

    I don't know if you run the game through steam but me and the buddies use the voice chat in that even for decent size groups on occasion.
  2. Well now you can combine 4 stacks of 2 shot slugs/pellets into a m1014 stack that both it and the 870 with the flashlight uses or break them up into four double stacks. Be handier if the m1014 and 870 could just load two rounds at a time if you've found two ammo for the double barrel like the pdw using glock and mp5 clips.
  3. Sounds good to me, Mix that with a 10-20 sec logout timer and that solves all sorts of problems :D
  4. jtrainz

    Well, that was awkward....

    Yeah the last thing I would be expecting coming over a hill is to be staring down the barrel of a T72 rofl, The hacker bit makes it pretty lame though naturally.
  5. jtrainz

    Broken legs should heal over time.

    Bullets make perfect sense as far as shattering bones even the weakest rounds will make a mess of anything they hit, Zombies atm are infuriating though a day ago I had at least six first hit breaks as we were engaging a couple and one slid up on my side and popped me once. Luckily we had made a hospital run but I was out of morphine absurdly fast.
  6. jtrainz

    Reducing ammo = reduce murders

    I think making anything more scarce only increases the "I want what you got" factor, If ammo were rare and I had some I would be considerably more inclined to kill that bastard that hasn't seen me yet to see if he has more.
  7. Between crashing servers and various other reasons despite the exploiting some people are so fond of I'm still all for 1 character all servers.
  8. jtrainz

    Bounty's on bandits

    Rofl, Indeed
  9. jtrainz

    New 'Tool-belt' slot mechanics.

    Would like to see it implemented, Made a post a minute ago on just letting you toggle to your melee with F, this would be even better though.
  10. Got a suggestion or two that have probably in some way already been suggested but maybe not in this fashion. 1 Hatchets, It would be nice if once they were in your toolbar you could toggle to the hatchet via F like it was a flare/grenade even if right off you couldn't see the thing swing, Along with having to reload it every time you switch like you do now. At the moment its immensely irritating to try and rearrange to try and pop one z that's sitting on top of something your after, Would be nice in comparison to being forced to drop your primary for one silent kill. 2 Pharmacy's, What I mean is in the smaller towns have a place that has a chance to drop medical supplies, Not the massive boxes like hospitals but it would be a nice alternative to crawling toward deer stands and praying for a morphine. 3 And the ever so talked about annoying Zeds, All in all now that you can sometimes lose them around buildings etc. is a excellent change starting out fresh ill often have that one irritating bastard that chases me for miles if I'm unlucky enough to start somewhere devoid of steep hills and what not, Would be nice if they would slow abit after so long so the poor unarmed bastard could eventually lose em balls out running. I would comment more on there spastic behavior all in all making them a bitch to hit but I just take that for what it is probably the mod being a alpha.