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About BradAssMF

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I think its more a matter of anxiety towards death. The thought of having to start over isnt really experienced in this generation when you have games like call of duty and battlefield that really dont have any penalty other then losing the game. this was the case for me when I just started playing the game. I dont think people should be blamed for doing this but what they should do is to work to get over this anxiety. the way I did was I spent a week in between cherno and elektro and just played bandit getting as many encounters with players as I could. Pretty soon I lost most of the anxiety that comes with fighting other players either through winning or losing. this will help get over the separation anxiety with your gear. and it will teach you getting your gear back always happens.
  2. BradAssMF

    2 Kills and a Glitch

    ive seen videos where a person desynced then got killed and he was still alive and was teleported back to where he originally desynced
  3. BradAssMF

    Bandits needed

    15 is pretty much a kid dude. no hard feelings just setting you straight. the fact that you have to say something about it means you are.
  4. BradAssMF

    Looking for bandit crew

    yeah count me in as well I have an nvg and im in need of a good squad
  5. BradAssMF

    | MisFits | Clan, Surivival at all costs

    ive recently registered on the forums. If there is anything else you need send me a pm
  6. BradAssMF

    fire axe of doom

    Alright two stories about me and a fireaxe or hatchet or whatever. anyway the first was when I had only played for a couple days. I was in the construction site in cherno where I was chased by zombies. I only had a double barrel so i sought refuge inside. I noticed a player also enter but he only had an axe so i didn't worry. Once i gave the zombies the slip I began to look for the player unbeknownst to me he was right behind me. I turned and shot him (or at least I thought I did) but it was too late and he axed me in the face and I went down where he finished me off. Luckily I spawned in cherno and I sprinted back to the site to find that he had equipped all the gear I was using and had placed the axe back on my body. I noticed he was afk or something cause he was just crouched in a corner. I took this opportunity to loot the axe from my body where it was already equipped. I then took my revenge in the best way possible by axeing him in the face with his own axe right as he started to move again. The next story was also in cherno by the hospital next to the apartments. I was heading to meet my buddy who was looting the hospital when i heard shots and he said he was dead. I only had an axe and he had an ak so I was hesitant to think I could do anything like loot the body or kill the guy. I noticed zombies running into one of the apartments and I got a great idea. If I could sneak up beside the apartment and use third person(I know the hate mail will be coming) to keep eyes on him I might be able to rush him. so I waited as he must have seen me since he was being extra cautious. finally i got my opening when he started to loot one of the zombies. I rushed him and was able to kill him with only my axe when he had an ak. I avenged my friend and I found all manner of goodies on his body. unfortuneatly I have no footage of these fights but I will keep posting stories like this if I get good feedback tho I dont expect too much.
  7. BradAssMF

    Creating Bandit Group

    hey im looking for a small group to work with. I have ts and ive played for enought ime to be comfortable with the game. i currently have a ghillie suit so i could be sniper and/or scout but i would prefer to be sniper.
  8. im 20 years old, ive played dayz for almost 2 weeks, im from the us, ive got a ghillie suit and ak atm I am good with tactics, and i have ts, I know the map rather well and i have a printed out version because im such a try hard. i also sent you a PM if i missed anything.