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Taylor (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Taylor (DayZ)

  1. Taylor (DayZ)

    How many calibers should there be?

    And 5.45 x 39
  2. Taylor (DayZ)

    [SA]WeaponZ Survey

    Looking forward to some AK's. Maybe some 100 series? Also got to have some CZechnology implemented. CZ 75's and their modern variants (SP01, P07, and P09).
  3. Taylor (DayZ)

    Generally how many FPS are you guys getting?

    6950 2gb 8 gb 1600mhz ddr3 SSD 1100t and CPU at 3.9 ghz I get decent fps when out in the woods, but it goes to shit in towns/cities. I get single digits in the new part of cherno with the apartments. I'm still playing with the settings to squeeze more out of it
  4. Taylor (DayZ)

    Unconfirmed Weapons from official Russian Wiki

    Just give me AK 74 with the 100 series furniture and a CZ 75 and I'll be happy!
  5. Taylor (DayZ)

    not getting blood back

    I'm guessing that last part is a bug.
  6. Taylor (DayZ)

    not getting blood back

    It's weird. My character had been in the grey all day and wasn't getting any better. After feeding him like 10 cans of food and soda, a message saying that he was full popped up and under his condition it said "healing". After 20 minutes without taking anymore damage, my character was healed and his condition was "healthy". Now he has a cold and things are slowly losing color after I used the homemade alcohol to clean a wound. Don't know what to do about that.
  7. For gameplay purposes, having a wide variety of civilian weapons would improve immersion. Since this is a post Soviet state, Mosin Nagants would be plentiful, as would CZ rifles and pistols. AK's would be harder to find but not impossible. NATO weapons should be very rare to come across.
  8. Taylor (DayZ)

    Most unsuccessful would-be murderers?

    Somehow I knew that guy would see my post lol
  9. Taylor (DayZ)

    Health in SA?

    I haven't read anything definitive about the health system in SA. I know that getting hit by a zombie = red water squirting out and health drops. I've heard that using the IV and Blood bags will regenerate health, but does food do the same? If so, how many can of tuna am I going to have to go through to make my character a little more healthy? Does cooking food heal you up more? If so HOW do you go about cooking things? I've put together a camping stove with a gas can, but couldn't figure out what to do past that. If anyone has any info, I'd appreciate a response.
  10. Taylor (DayZ)

    Health in SA?

    Thanks for to info guys! Got my guy back to 100% now.
  11. Taylor (DayZ)

    Most unsuccessful would-be murderers?

    I was in the small town to the west of NW airfield exploring. I enter one of the small houses, then out of no where, the guy with a fire ax barrels through the door swinging his ax and yelling, "let me AX you a question!" After getting hit once, I whip around and pump him full of 5.56 until he drops. Then 2 more to the head just to make sure.
  12. Taylor (DayZ)


    Military buildings to find an easy M4 or .45. I found the it's difficult to find the Mosin Nagant, but super easy to find an AR. Finally found one today, and now they're everywhere. Looking forward to getting some more civvie and comblock weapons and gear.
  13. Taylor (DayZ)

    Health in SA?

    Sorry for posting this in the wrong section! Anyone know how much food someone has to eat to get this "healthy label"? What about cooking? Thanks for the input Korsbaek
  14. Taylor (DayZ)

    Will ammo now start being valuable?

    I can fire my Glock 17 with regular mags at a zombie from 10 meters away without them hearing it. 20 meters for any 5.56 rifle I found. Some how my footsteps on pavement are louder than a small explosion. <_<
  15. Taylor (DayZ)

    RGO Frag Grenade

    Found a UAZ full of them yesterday as well as 20 magazines for 5.45 rifles and a yellow smoke grenade. Will trade 5 NVG's per RGO and 10 for the yellow smoke!
  16. Taylor (DayZ)

    DMR, or M24?

    DMR is better if you know how to range it on the fly. The M24 lets you zero in the scope, but that's about it. I would take the DMR just because the mag capacity is 20 compared to 5 and it's semiauto.
  17. Taylor (DayZ)

    Are Helicopters going to be added again?

    Remove the Huey and add in the Mi17 civilian chopper. It's big and slow with no means of defense. Perfect for DayZ. Someone mentioned vehicles with mounted guns shouldn't be in the game, I disagree. I would like to see UAZ's and HMMV's with 5.45 and 5.56 machine guns mounted. Not too powerful to OSK everything, but far better than scrounging around with Winchesters and Enfields.
  18. I'd like to see Rocket use a better engine, one that doesn't offer stellar performance for Intel CPU's and garbage performance for AMD's.
  19. Taylor (DayZ)

    Equipments/gears you have with your current character?

    M14 - 4 mags 1911 - 4 mags 2 bandages 1 morphine injector 1 painkiller 1 epipen 1 coke 1 steak Map Compass Watch Hatchet Knife Box o' matches Toolbox Binocs NVG's
  20. Either start crawling or ask my buddies to come and help me out if I've got anything worth saving.
  21. Taylor (DayZ)

    Favorite Weapon Types Poll

    1911, AKM, and M14. Old, wood furniture, and heavy hitting is my style.
  22. Taylor (DayZ)

    Vehicle Major Update Content/Goals

    Vehicles should be a lot more common. It's not like the infected just started attacking every working vehicle. The Huey's should be replaced with the Mi17, like some suggested.
  23. Taylor (DayZ)

    Makarov SD?

    Anyone think adding the Makarov SD into the game would be a good idea? I think it would be the perfect add on in the near future after everything else is settled. Right now, the best sidearm is the 1911 just because of the OHK ability, but giving players access to a suppressed sidearm would make town infiltration fun again, instead of the "run through the town and kill all the sees in a barn" tactic. I'm not sure about the ballistics of 9x18, but I think it fires subsonic, so rare SD mags wouldn't be an issue I would think.
  24. Taylor (DayZ)

    Makarov SD?

    Maybe for some weapons, but not for rifles. A good deal of the noise you hear is also from the bullet traveling at super sonic speeds.
  25. Taylor (DayZ)

    Rifles dissapearing from backpack after logout

    Servers are still unstable from the update. Had half a days progress not save 2 days ago.