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About fluffyg

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Thanks, I'll try that! I get stuck at loading a lot, so that makes sense.
  2. About every other time I spawn I start back at the coast, it's getting very frustrating. Anyone know why?
  3. It adds no consequence to death, and takes away from the experience. I think it actually makes the game LESS fun
  4. I LOVE the idea. I have nothing to do after I get some alright gear, this will fix that
  5. fluffyg

    North American Trading Company

    I also have an FN FAL AN/PVS-4 and willing to trade for an M4A1 CCO SD whenever you have one. NVG or a ghillie suit would be good as well
  6. fluffyg

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Accidentally fell off the control tower at NE Airfield, knocked unconscious. I should just need a bandage, if you're willing to help me out.
  7. But it works, that's all I care about. The only one's who really complain are backstabbers, and I say screw em
  8. fluffyg


    He told us humanity was still in, people like you have no excuse.
  9. In real life people would hear about your "exploits" throughout the pretty scarce strip of land. If you go on a mass killing spree people would learn about you, and spread the word about you, so others would know what to look out for (YOU). Now obviously that can't happen in game, because there is no way to tell others apart. This system simulates reputation. Now obviously it's now perfectly "realistic", but it does serve a purpose that the game can't do on its own. That's why I think it should stay.
  10. Translation: I kill players but don't want them to know. It's how I get my lolz
  11. Well I'm going to kill ghille on sight, probably just as much as I will bandits. Good luck
  12. fluffyg

    Bandit skin is awesome

    To the people complaining about realism: How real is it that everybody used the same character model? This is the same thing And you obviously don't care much for the gameplay aspect of it, because it is far superior.
  13. fluffyg

    Gunrunners Arms Dealing

    In game name:Fluffy G Mbizzlebottom What you're trading:FN FAL AN/PVS-4 What you want:M4A1 CCO SD + NVG age:18 current clan (if in one):none will you be using overwatch (for my own safety):no
  14. fluffyg

    Bandit skin is awesome

    Is there still a survivor skin you can pick up and wear after wearing another skin? If so this just gives bandits more options, and I like it. I'm a survivor but I like knowing who I don't have to shoot right away