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Werty (DayZ)

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About Werty (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hey My name is Werty, and ingame I go by [b12]Werty (not a clan, to show other people from where I learned about dayz, the bay 12 games forums, that I came from there and am friendly.) I recently ended a long lone wolf life by getting sniped while hitting up a deer stand near green mountain, and now am looking for a partner or two to survive with. I can get about 2-4 hours a day, and I don't play very cautiously. My preferred setup is a M1911 (for killing zombies), an assault rifle as my primary( L85 AWS is so far my favorite, thanks to the thermal scope) and something long range in the pack. I'm looking for somebody who has a sense of humor and does not take the game too seriously, and is from the US, so we have similar timezones. (I live on the east coast.) I am 17 years old, so I kinda want to find someone similar.. I am also pretty experienced in this game and have 3 months of play. If you are interested, post in this topic or flash me a PM, and I will reply. -Werty
  2. Werty (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I need a transfusion, Near devils Castle, Can anyone help? PM me for server. EDIT: Forget it I died
  3. Werty (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    Today I got my belief in humanity back. So, I started a new character and turns out I was outside balota. I decide to go head there since its a low pop server and I really don't have anything to loose. Loot balota, Get a M1014 and G17, but no food or water. I head over to Cherno, looking for food, water, and better gear. When I get to cherno I find some food and water, and trade my G17 for a M1911, and continue going through cherno. Suddenly, I head on the side chat(yes this is a server that has side chat, not gonna tell you which one, cause you will probably stalk me.) from a person named "Vinny", "Heh, I nearly shot you Werty" I was in one of the restaurants, out front, and I hit the deck. He shoots out some windows in the restaurant to prove that he can see me, and them I'm freaking out. I start sprinting around serpentine, hoping that the bullets wont hit me, cause I don't like to die. He starts assuring me that he wont kill me, and I start scanning for him. I was in the square in the middle of cherno and he says, "Hey do you want a L85?" and I said "Well If I could get one I would love it." By then I figure out where they are, they are on top of the 3 grain silos or whatever in cherno, and I figure, Fuck it. If they are gonna kill me I might as well see there faces. So I head over to the towers, and start climbing the massive ladders.(You all know what I mean.) By the time I get to the top, there are 2 guys there, Vinny and Jakeb, and to my surprise, instead of shooting me they ACTUALLY GIVE ME A L85. We hang out there for a while, me still a little bit cautious, and then we get joined by a third person, Trip Doctor I belive. Anyways, I go down to the hospital with Jakeb(Or was it vinny) And we loot it, get everything we need. Anyways, by them I'm all set to get out of bean wars, Knife, matches, map, compass, watch, but no hatchet. So I continue searching Cherno, and in one of the resuraunts I find a GHILLIE SUIT, and Vinny and trip have left by then, But Jakeb is still on. I announce this over side chat, and Jakeb says that if I could spare it then Vinny would love to have it. I figure that I owe them a lot for the L85, so I say sure. Vinny comes back on, takes the suit, and gives me some more clips for my L85.(I must have 10 clips by now) So I give him the suit, and I leave again, as firends. I then find a hatchet in the construction area and head out of cherno, my belief in humanity restored.
  4. Werty (DayZ)

    DayZ Memes

    ^ I laughed so hard.
  5. Werty (DayZ)

    Cool little things you've seen/found

    I once found a soilder(not zombie, the kind you see around milatary places) impaled on a stick god knows where. This was back in the god ol days of makarov spawns
  6. Best Advice. You will die. You will die 5, 10, 20 times before you survive longer than 30 minuets. Deal with it, and push on. When you survive it will be worth it.