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dazer (DayZ)

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Everything posted by dazer (DayZ)

  1. dazer (DayZ)

    The Walking Dead GB

    Just started on here with a friend, Nice server, Good admin, Signup!
  2. Hi guys im currently looking for a smallish squad of players (pref on a private hive) to play with as my current mates have kinda stopped playing the game. Im 24 from the midlands UK, Looking for people roughly the same age if possible. I have about 6 or so Months of dayz exp and can play most nights, I have ts3 vent mumble etc etc. Cheers
  3. Kinda in the same situation, add my steam dazer45 if you fancy making a group.
  4. dazer (DayZ)

    UK player looking for small Squad

    Give us a shout if you find players and need +1. 24, M, UK
  5. dazer (DayZ)

    Starting New Group on Private Hive

    24 Year old English guy here, Looking for a squad to play with. Been playing for 7 Months or so. Give us a message if your intrested! cheers
  6. Name: Ben In Game Name: Ben Age/Hours and days you can play DayZ: e.g. 24, Can play anytime How long have you spent playing DayZ and any other Military Simulators? Have been playing DayZ for roughly 6 Months, Played FPS competitively for years, Way back to rtcw 10 years or so ago. Where about in the UK are you located: Midlands Anything else you would like to add: Just looking for some mature fairly active guys to play with, As my current squad does not really play as much as before.
  7. dazer (DayZ)

    looking for more player to join squad

    Whats the age range of your squad?
  8. dazer (DayZ)

    Hacker on Lu45

    Hi server admin here from LU45, Do you have any SS of this guy? He seems to be a regular player on the server and ive never encountered problems whilst on the server with him, but you can never be to sure.
  9. dazer (DayZ)

    Trading for SVD

  10. dazer (DayZ)

    LU 45

    Hi sorry for the late reply as i have just stumbled across this post while browsing the forums. First off me and the 3 friends of mine who pay and admin this server are unsure as of why you have accused us of this as it is completely untrue, We brought this server to play on together and maybe build up some regular players. There have been people who have hacked this server before with choppers, jets etc and we brought the server down for a short while as we was unsure of what else to do with them. About the loot, Its a bug as far as i know its happened to tents we have had before and we have rebooted the server to fix this. So before you start throwing random accusations out get your facts right as everything you have said is untrue and false. Cheers, PWW. dazeRR