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About phased

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Eveything i launch puts me into DayZ and i can't disable and even if i take it out it still puts me on it Any help on how to paly ArmA 2 OA ? please
  2. So i had not played DayZ in a while and i'm there on the mic saying to my friend how i never find anything good, So what happens i run into a building and there is a dead guy in a ghillie with a M4A1 Holo SD m203 but no ammo :-( me being a idiot tryed to swap it with my lee enfield out of my bag and deleted it QQ So how lucky/unlucky are you?
  3. phased

    Day Z Videos

    Found this on youtube :P It isn't mine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS1wzdlu-WM&feature=g-vrec
  4. phased

    Hacker in Lingor

    Yeah when i was playing yesterday some people in chat saying they could hear the footsteps and stuff but coudn't see anyone and alot of people just saying there is a hacker
  5. phased

    AKM vs. AKS

    Hey there, abut nooby but just wanting to make sure :P I have AKM, AKS and a DMR so i'm looking to free some space up but i want to keep the DMR I have 6 mags for the AKM and only 2 for the AKS, So i'm already thinking to keep AKM but which is better? I find alot more AKMS than AKS's I don't pay attenion to the ammo i find, so i can't say which i find more ammo for, i only pay attenion to ammo if it can be used with my current weaponand i'v never found a AKS so i don't know if bullets for that is common or not It was stupid to ask this but i want to make sure i keep the right weapon Please and thank you xD
  6. phased

    Joining a server

    I have updated to the mose recent of my knowledge but everytime i join a server it ethier Crashes Won't load Says my DayZ code is wrong or sommething like that, I have and most servers are Can anyone help me so i can play rofl ? please
  7. phased

    Joining a server

    thanks =D
  8. phased

    Joining a server

    Could link the download link for it so i'm getting the right one please ?
  9. phased

    Joining a server

    Ok thanks il try that and i tryed six updater and launcher but it said it was a virus so i deleted it :P
  10. phased

    Joining a server

    I'v already done that, anything else ?
  11. phased

    Joining a server

    my friends are currently playing on a server and i can't join, It says i need version 1.61.9487 and i have 1.61 any help ? i don't know what to do please and thanks
  12. phased

    Hurry up and fix server hopping already

    You can't 'fix' someone changing servers ?
  13. phased

    Fairwell, had enough of this

    Tbh people would kill in real life, Crazy things lead to people doing crazy things lol xD Look on the Survivors hq or something for a group and get some people to play with it is alot easier and alot more fun :P
  14. It would be great to get a big group to join a server and do that thing at the end through a main area :P haha