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Everything posted by Wulfear

  1. Wulfear

    Consoles eh?

    Hello Rocket... So you think Dayz will be a worth while endevour on consoles do you? Are you fucking shitting us? With all the evangelizing about immersion and hardcoreness, you now are going to talk about consoles like money is not the sole driving factor behing EVERY DECISION YOU MAKE? Really? Why don't you just admit that you are NO DIFFERENT than any other developer these days..... Go ahead, no one will be surprised.
  2. Wulfear

    Consoles eh?

    If you have to ask , then you already have your nose ALL THE WAY UP ROCKETS ASS! Therefore, Fuck off, faggot. [user warned, 3 days PPS. -Max]
  3. I agree. Every server should have active admins 24/7. No exceptions. Failure to comply = perma blacklist.
  4. Wulfear

    Why this mod is failing

  5. I was waiting beside a barn(needed gas for tractor) in Gvozdno after I cleared the whole town. I walked in barn for 2nd time, killed a zed that spawned, and magically someone appears behind me and snipes me from what sounded like point blank range. I never get killed legit anymore. :( Fucking losers have to hack to kill me.
  6. Wulfear

    Teleport killed @US 841

    wonder if the asshole trashed my camp. This is so fucking pathetic already. How boring must their lives be to kill people and they can't even hear us complain about it anymore? These are some desperate people lol.
  7. I remember someone made a 'vehicle repair guide' here before, and that truck was on it......so is it not legit? I can see it's not on the wiki, but the wiki generally sucks anyway...
  8. You have 'Bro' in your name and a female avatar......ban requested.
  9. I need to rebind "P". It brings up a playerlist and does not appear remappable in game. However looking in the cfg I see this: keyNetworkPlayers[]={25}; Not sure if I have the right thing here...but if I was to change it, does anyone have a list that corresponds the numbers with the actual keys? Running out of keys lol, so kinda need to know what I am setting it to...:P
  10. Found both of mine in deer stands too. One was @Balota tents.
  11. All depends on my mood, and my perception of yours. *Running over to heavily armed people while being unarmed yourself is not high intellengence behavior whether you are planning to betray them or not. It's certainly not realistic....
  12. To answer the subject line... Because I will shoot back while also probably being a better shot and probably better armed. I'd say I'm about 50/50 on killing my would be killers. Pretty good for not having initiative I'd say. Or could just mean most people suck really bad. :P
  13. Wulfear

    Sniper rifles

    I take your beans.
  14. ...or the AKM which can be zero'd out to 800m.
  15. Fully repaired and mostly repaired vehicles have seemed to be more common for a few patches now. Though I have been finding a lot less of them....bad luck I guess.
  16. Wulfear

    Stary Sobor a waste of time?

    Vybor is the only town worth going to besides the big 3. Deer stands are as good as any military spawn except for NWAF(barracks, but bad sniper zone) and heli crashes. Stary tents just have a lot of spawns in one place. But snipers....and even zeds love to walk thru there, shoot one, bring the horde.
  17. ...and then flying around making mouth sounds over direct to the tune of "Ride of the Valkyries" while 2 door gunners shoot everyone.
  18. Wulfear

    Definition of the word ENDGAME

    End game: See my avatar.
  19. Yep. Nothing better than killing bad guys. heh. It is high risk behavior though, so I do not engage in it often and stay in scavenge/survive mode. Unless I am full/bored, then look out... :murder:
  20. Wulfear

    Very Hostile Playerbase

    That was deffinately bad luck, but props for not staying on the coast. I have noticed more people going north lately. Not as safe as it was... Of course, with 10 people, running into one is still extremely rare and would have me thinking map hacks heh.
  21. If someone gets on coms and sounds sincere, "please stop shooting me!!omg!!1I was just looting a cow!" then I usually let them live.
  22. I've logged in shakeing in need of painkillers, but never unconcious. Only happened once or twice too.
  23. Wulfear

    [UPDATED] Weekly Stats, PvP Trends

    Dunno if it was mentioned, but people hitting respawn to 'start where they want' is probably skewing the shit out of non pvp deaths... (seems it was, oh well)
  24. Wulfear

    Enfield or Winchester?

    Enfield gained a few usability points with reduced sound indoors. Some people don't seem to realize this.
  25. Wulfear

    50% reduced sound theory

    It's a good change. It even makes sense.