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general bean

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Everything posted by general bean

  1. general bean

    painted mosin

    so if you paint a mosin you can only chamber 1 bulet at a time and the reload button doesnt work so you have to tab into gear and drag drop ammo each and every time. wtf bug or what
  2. general bean

    are people trying to make the SA to friendly?

    kos/bandits is what make this game fun/terifying
  3. general bean


    zeds should be in a constant state of agro(rather than just stood still like most are) so you cant see if a player is around just by watching zed behaviour
  4. general bean

    End game?

    survive another day n kill people
  5. general bean

    steam forums

    my god it is full of people that dont understand what alpha means mind you it does make me laugh
  6. general bean

    Side chat?

    so if you have a radio and itds turned on at all times people near you should be able to hear it to then
  7. general bean


    i know its alpha and still early. a remodled cherno is great n all but i hope we can eventually get dayz on altis from arma 3 or some fresh new maps that kinda size. yes i know there are mods out there for arma 3 ( breaking point, zoombies) but nothing beats DAYZ i love this game
  8. general bean


    iv played breaking point dont get me wrong it is good but its not dayz as for altis i just ment that kind of sized map at some point in the future
  9. general bean

    Arma II OA has stopped working?

    unable to turn dayz of in the expansions section of the game
  10. general bean

    EVE Online players!

    yep i play eve online even use same name in both games