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Everything posted by Gam3Junkie

  1. Gam3Junkie

    Fixed Cars

    Was there any difference? Maybe it spawned with all the parts but some were broken?
  2. Gam3Junkie

    Building Persistance

    ^ We put down a large tent last night, after 12 hours or so it was gone. The other tent is still there along side some barrels.
  3. Gam3Junkie

    Fixed Cars

    cfgspawntabletypes.xml If you change all of those values to 1.0 I belive it will spawn in completely repaired cars. <type name="OffroadHatchback"> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HatchbackWheel" chance="0.60" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HatchbackWheel" chance="0.60" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HatchbackWheel" chance="0.40" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HatchbackWheel" chance="0.40" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HatchbackWheel" chance="0.20" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="CarRadiator" chance="0.20" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="CarBattery" chance="0.30" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HeadlightH7" chance="0.40" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HeadlightH7" chance="0.40" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HatchbackDoors_Driver" chance="0.30" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HatchbackDoors_CoDriver" chance="0.30" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HatchbackHood" chance="0.20" /> </attachments> <attachments chance="1.00"> <item name="HatchbackTrunk" chance="0.20" /> </attachments> </type>
  4. Gam3Junkie

    DayZ Epoch Help (Can't put lock on door)

    Did you or the server admin figure a way to fix this?
  5. Not sure whether to be worried or...nope - I'm worried.
  6. Gam3Junkie

    BattlEye Server Filters for DayZ Mod 1.8.4

    In the 20500 folder. ROOT 20500
  7. Gam3Junkie

    BattlEye Server Filters for DayZ Mod 1.8.4

    I am 100% sure that it is updated, did it myself three times now. All the @dayz files, all the filters etc.
  8. Gam3Junkie

    BattlEye Server Filters for DayZ Mod 1.8.4

    My bad, i ment setvariable, not pubvariable.
  9. Gam3Junkie

    BattlEye Server Filters for DayZ Mod 1.8.4

    On my server whenever someone gets injured or try and attack someone(or something), they get instakicked for pubvariable #0, any ideas?
  10. Gam3Junkie

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Anyone got a fix for the publicvariable #0 mass kicks?
  11. Hey guys. I have a simple question. I use BERcon to connect to my server, and all the commands work fine, except "say". I try "say" and "#say", but nothing. Doesn't this work, or am I doing something wrong? Cheers, Daniel
  12. Hello. Sorry if this is posted in the wrong forum, but i was wondering if anyone knew where i could find the DayZ Zargabad server files? or any recent one would be great.
  13. Gam3Junkie

    Kicked: Battleeye restriction #44

    Same problem on the server i play on.
  14. Hello. I was wondering if there was any rules/regulations for the hosters of private servers/hives? Like ban reasons, allowed to add more stuff to the map/mod etc. Or is it like, if you host a private server you can do what you want? Cheers, GJ
  15. Gam3Junkie

    Private Server Rules?

    Thanks for the replies. Was mostly curious about adding more buildings etc, so thanks for clearing things up.
  16. Hey. How cool would it be if Utes was added to Chernarus? Like a few kilometers off the coast. Travel by boat would then be necessary to get access to it. Not sure how it would work, but i think it would be kinda cool. If this has already been suggested, sorry for the post. - Daniel
  17. Funny that you seek 18+ members when you in fact are 14 yourself?
  18. Hi. Zombies should be in cities/villages/places 24/7, not just when players are nearby. Whenever you see zombies in a place up ahead, you know there are people there, which makes it kind of..boring/not exiting. So zombies should be on constantly, not just when players are nearby. Same would go for loot i suppose. Second suggestion; fireworks. Make it so you can find fireworks(in stores for example), which you can put down(like beartrap) and ignite the fuse using matches. Whats the point of this? If you for example lit up one over a city, then the zombies there should stare up at the "explosion/effects", and just stand still for a few seconds(15-30?). That will give players another possibility to avoid zombies. Though at the moments its not really anything you need to worry about, its just an obstacle.
  19. Gam3Junkie

    Talking to Admins

    If the admin uses BERcon or something similar, they will be able to read the direct chat(at least I do).
  20. Gam3Junkie

    I'm dumb

    Buy the game.
  21. Gam3Junkie

    Connection failed?

    Hm, i get message that the server is runing an invalid version.
  22. Gam3Junkie

    [Video] Epic Fireplace bug

    Song made me wanna strangle someone, still does. Kudos on the campfire though.