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Everything posted by thedeathball

  1. thedeathball

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Bro Kenwei isn't mad. But these guys on US 1040 restart the sever whenever something bad happens to them. Being a sever admin is no excuse for hacking and they ban everyone who is a threat to them.
  2. Yea I found my 1st satchel today off some noob who died in a heli crash
  3. thedeathball

    US 1040 Colony Idea?

    Good Job restarting the sever and banning the wrong player.
  4. Epic. Where you find the Satchels?
  5. thedeathball

    Hacking must be stopped

    Yea the hacking is pretty bad right now. Back when Dayz 500,000 players I never really had problem with hackers. Now if I play on a high populated sever at all its just a matter of time. Sad part is I still going to play the shit out of Dayz.
  6. thedeathball

    DoW Know Combat Loggers

    Good to know who the type of players we are dealing with now.
  7. *Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: Steam *Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: Sixupdater *What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: Everytime I log in I start Unconscious *Your Operating System: Windows 7 *Have you looked at these threads?: Yes it is very common but I havent see a solution posted
  8. thedeathball

    Female Zombies!

    Yes. Lets get some female zombies.
  9. thedeathball

    Jesus. I'm so sorry, Andy.

    Get a rope and hang your self. You have no skill and I bet you alt F4 be.cause that the fag your are
  10. Yea vehicle is tractor if it matters.
  11. thedeathball

    Are my items safe in a backpack in a vehicle ?

    Yea, but we the items inside the backpack disapper if I save the vehicle and no one but me touches it
  12. thedeathball

    Remove Hiding Bodies...

    No just no
  13. thedeathball

    The most common exploit in the game

    Yea I'll like to see a 20 second log off timer and a 5 min sever change wait
  14. thedeathball

    Spawning in the air!

    Happen to me today this is the worst way to die. I hope there is a fix.
  15. thedeathball

    Spawning in mid-air and dying fix.

    Yea happen today to me I was lucky a friend was close by and stored my shit
  16. k thz I guess I have to play with crossairs like a noob.
  17. thedeathball

    Your first unprovoked murder?

    My food bar was blinking and I had no food. I thought all hope was lost until I saw the fire station door close. I ran over there and put five shots the dude's back for a can of beans.