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Everything posted by step0229

  1. I'm just curious but, when do you guys decide to make the transition from surviving to killing for fun? Or is it a little bit of both. For me, It's gotten to the point that I have every piece of gear in game that I desire. I went from player killing to survive to player killing for fun. Now I'm back to survival again, but I've heightened my game play to include territorial defense and claiming a rather large area as mine. I also see hunting other players comparable to buck hunting... as in I only kill the 10 and 12 point bucks. Where do you guys stack up?
  2. So, I found one laying on the ground. I was about to pick it up but negated to do so. I was afraid I would lose my gun. Does anyone know what slots this thing takes up? Is it the tools slot, main weapon, or bag slot?
  3. step0229

    Hatchet Question...

    Ok, I was curious. It never brought up a gear menu when I scrolled over it, just "Pick up hatchet". I dont even intend on using it as a weapon. I just want to cut wood for food damnit!
  4. step0229

    Hatchet Question...

    I did... Unfortunately it brings up every other post than what i was looking for.
  5. step0229


    Does the hatchet take up a primary weapon slot or just bag space or what?
  6. step0229

    Any Fun Firefights?

    Sniper fights are lame/over rated... Me and 3 other people in my group engaged 5 others at the NW airfield (All parties armed with very decent automatic weapons). To start out our fight, we rigged 2 main/enterable buildings with satchel charges and waited for people to get close enough to use them. Once a Jeep filled with 5 guys arrived, they unassed the vehicle and begane to scavenge. Once the north barracks and the ATC became inhabited we blew the buildings and killed 2. Almost immediately automatic fire errupted and pinned down the 3 individuals covering the scavenging crew. With the three individuals pinned down, my team flanked as I provided supressive fire. The 3 pinned units began throwing grenades at my direction of fire but were unsuccessful, but then one of them unleashed an AT4 and shot it in my direction. It wounded me and put me at 4k blood. As I went down, my team killed all three. We looted their bodies and scored an Mk48, AS50, and an M4SD. We couldn't find the bodies of the people in the tower or barracks. It was an intense firefight. Lasted maybe 3 minutes.
  7. step0229

    To the 3 guys in the church I killed...

    LOL, I will give $50.00 via paypal to the first person who kills Omega and griefs him.
  8. step0229

    Anyone get this working for a Mac?

    Yuck.... I can't believe people still buy Macs. Waste of money IMO.
  9. I shot a guy in the foot to get away from zombie horde.
  10. step0229

    Clan {TST} - moved

  11. step0229

    New Mob: CDC Clean up Patrol.

    Ooooooooooo more people to get "Cleaning" supplies from. I would kill them just as much as the bandits I hunt.
  12. step0229

    many players are quitting

    Do you read what your write? Think about what you are saying... "In real life... In real life..." This isn't real life. This is a zombie apocalypse. You have nothing to guage your statement off of, nothing to compare facts with. All you have is a social experiment called DayZ. IN FACT this is more realistic than The Walking Dead television show because this is unscripted and is a more true revelation to the human character than any other multiplayer zombie game or movie. Please quit trolling. Lets face it, you are quitting because your a sloppy player that dies ALOT.
  13. I would much rather rob someone than kill them. There are a number of Life Mods in ARMA 2 that utilize this such as stun guns for cops. We could easily have this to take weaponry from players without killing them.
  14. Server crashes/restarting - everyone is being disconnected. No one is remaining in the server for an extra amount of time. Loss of internet connection - cost of doing business. No one is faulting people for occasionally losing connection at some point of the game when actual human contact consumes a fraction of a percentage of your total game time. This is for the players who INTENTIONALLY disconnect to avoid conflict. And BTW, 2 minutes is 1:45 too long. I would say 15-30 seconds max. It gives the person who has the opportunity the upper hand to finish the coward off... And if they can't finish the guy off with the alotted time then oh well. Learn to aim.
  15. step0229

    Item duping/hacking

    So not true... I found a thermal scoped AS50 on a dead body. It had a picture and everything. Found out it was hacked and dropped the gun at the bottom of a lake to avoid catching a ban.
  16. No, getting shot at and disconnecting while bullets are mid-flight qualifies as that.
  17. step0229

    Opinion on server hoppers? (JUSTICE)

    I rigged it to go and waited for people to come and go. Once I killed the first one, the building came down. No more Barracks. THEN, all I saw was people spawning in on the rubble. I would take shots at them, mortally wound them and they would disconnect before they die. Thankfully they will die when they log in on a new server.
  18. I often hear people talking about hacked items not having icons. So, I finally kill a survivor with an AS50 TWS. I pick the gun up and it appears in my bag and in the inventory list on the left of the bag. From what I have been told if it's hacked it would show up, it's just there. TODAY, I find out the gun is hacked so I discard it. Can someone please explain the whole "Icon" thing to me.
  19. Yes I like it. When you are near a low humanity, you hear flies cuz you just shit your pants.
  20. step0229

    Opinion on server hoppers? (JUSTICE)

    yea he trolled a little bit.
  21. step0229

    Opinion on server hoppers? (JUSTICE)

    Hunter frapsed while I pulled the trigger! That guy didn't know what hit him!
  22. I'm pumped about this. I have done everything in game except find a helicopter. This will add some more perspective to my game play. I am definitely down for contributing my play to participate in upkeeping a camp or being a part of soemthing like this. I have nearly 29 days of straight survival and have accumulated A LOT of gear. I can definitely contribute to this group.