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TheWalrus (DayZ)

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Everything posted by TheWalrus (DayZ)

  1. TheWalrus (DayZ)

    Looking for Partner/Group

    add me up, dayzsmoovecheats. I'm now semi experienced and, I can navigate sort of well if i have a compass ha. im in us so hopefully latency isn't an issue
  2. TheWalrus (DayZ)

    My last 3 deaths

    I think I have the worst luck, or just not carefully enough. The times I have died weren't even fair. First I bugged into debug plains running east where I was met by an execution by bandits waiting for me to exit. The next death was when I met up with another survivor in attempt to fix a bus, there was another guy there. He ends up stealing it, but turns around and crashes into a fenced area I get in and the other guy does to, Flash light guys books it. Zombies start to hit the bus. And it exploded I ended up landing on the coast line because of the explosion haha. For my third death I jumped into the water and lost all my stuff some how, Maybe a glitch? and then met a quick death at the hands of a pack of bandits 4-5. but I don't care I'm still trying and getting better I think
  3. TheWalrus (DayZ)

    My last 3 deaths

    i added you.
  4. TheWalrus (DayZ)

    Looking for a group/clan to run with.

    Yes, I would like to run with you. I looked up your steam but I cant tell which one you're. So ill pm you my name so you can add me.I have a mic and im semi experienced. Id be cool if you had a mic to.
  5. hmm This sounds like something I did today, There was this guy named administrator and He was looting a body and then I shot him because he was going to axe me when A couple of shots hit me from behind. AND I DIED with my alice pack, ak and tons of food. I guess I deserved it. Was that you who shot me? ha
  6. TheWalrus (DayZ)

    Lag, server or computer?

    I started to play today ,after I died yesterday. But its laggy now, I've never had this problem. Could it be my computer or the servers?
  7. I'm sorta new, I know the ropes though. Right now I have tons of blood packs, and morphine. Just looking to team up with someone who is trustworthy and wont put a bullet in my head. reply if interested and ill send you my steam name. I also have a mic
  8. TheWalrus (DayZ)

    Looking to join a group or team up

    I met up with someone had a bunch of good stuff like I said, We found a bus fixed it and then some one stole it. We got it back but then zombies made it explode thus both us dying haha
  9. TheWalrus (DayZ)

    Looking to join a group or team up

    I added you, on steam i'm dayzsmoove.