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Everything posted by ProjectSeoul

  1. ProjectSeoul

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Ugh, griefer/hacker satchel charged the building my chopper was on. I spawned in unconscious and bleeding but I'm ok now. I just need a chopper ride back up so I can get back to my other chopper on another server. Can anyone help? I use my chopper to help patients and it would be great to get back to it!
  2. ProjectSeoul

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Any medics available to help a fellow medic? I need an airlift in about 4-5 hours.
  3. ProjectSeoul

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Taking care of this patient guys.
  4. ProjectSeoul

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Providing transport for TMW and Whitelist Medics for a few hours. Gonna be AFK here and there but leave me a message and we'll get going!
  5. This has happened to many times. I always chalk it up to bad luck but seriously.. A couple times I've logged in and immediately got shot in remote areas of the map.
  6. ProjectSeoul

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Add me on Steam or PM me your Steam/Skype. Whitelist Medic online for a couple hours with Heli for fast travel.
  7. ALOHA everyone, I am trying to get a list of players that are from Hawaii so that our small island chain can group with other survivors that share the same time zone! This is by no means a clan or squad but merely a way for us to connect. If you guys end up starting something from this power to you! It would be best to state if you are a bandit or a survivor so we can choose who we'd like to play with by play style. I am going to search through the forums to find those in Hawaii so that we can contact each other. If you want your name added/removed from this list please post here or send me a PM. It would be best to add your Steam, Skype, or whatever method you would prefer to communicate with. (If you want your steam added, please provide your Steam Community URL) Players from Hawaii (Forum Names): ProjectSeoul - Steam: ProjectSeoul | Survivor/Medic 808masa - Steam: masa Hotlight - Steam: HotLight0 Setsuno - Steam: Setsuno solidsnake808: Skype: solidsnake808 burts - Skype: burts808 ItsJanHi - Steam: ItsJanHi | Skype: Eggroll Jollibee Kaioh6 HotLight Blackwater proctous Elwood Also, any suggestions to improve this thread or effort would be definitely appreciated and taken into account.
  8. ProjectSeoul

    Survivors of Hawaii Unite!

    Just made the Steam Group. Will work on it more when you get a chance. Invite your friends! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/DayZHawaii
  9. ProjectSeoul

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Add me on Steam
  10. ProjectSeoul

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Fellow medic looking for air evac. Long story short, helicopter disappeared.
  11. ProjectSeoul

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Wow, what the... You treat him and gave him a motorcycle and then he ends up stealing stuff from your tents? I don't even... Do you have his Steam community URL?
  12. ProjectSeoul

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Did you get a Steam/Skype name as well? Would be good to start keeping track of these type of people. Edit* It would also be good to ban that IP from the TMW TS if possible.
  13. ProjectSeoul

    I need to get up north... I can repay a favour.

    I'd be willing to help you out but it would be in about 6-7 hours. Oh, and it will be in style. :D
  14. ProjectSeoul

    Wolf Armouries - Giveaway

    If you want a better chance, you should probably follow this generous man's directions.
  15. ProjectSeoul

    Wolf Armouries - Giveaway

    Don't need anything really but beans for a good cause.
  16. ProjectSeoul

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Yeah I believe one of the RAIDs went down. Probably should be back up in a few hours I'm guessing.
  17. ProjectSeoul

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Damn we missed a great opportunity to troll that guy!
  18. ProjectSeoul

    Helicopter Fail on First Flight

    lol, nice video man. Poor heli :( Good thing the PBX was there.
  19. ProjectSeoul

    Scripted/Duped items.

    Man they need to just remove all AS50 TWS from the db weekly. That thing is way too OP.
  20. ProjectSeoul

    Being friendly just doesn't seem worth it...

    I'd like to say don't give up hope as there are still friendly players out there like myself. I helped a guy repair a bus in Elektro that I had randomly met and help people all the time. However if you listened to me, you'd probably end up dying more often. :( Good on you for trying! P.S. I love that you didn't kill the hero in your axe video.
  21. ProjectSeoul

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    Let's stop feeding the troll and dance.
  22. ProjectSeoul

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    So you got killed after shouting friendly. Welcome to DayZ. All of your "reasons" for using hacks are just an excuse for cheating. It isn't very hard to get good weapons and not get player killed. What you need to do is right click to bring up your ironsights. You see, this will increase your accuracy. At this point you want to put the player that is shooting at you in the center of your crosshairs. I hope this helps. Can't wait until you get banned.
  23. ProjectSeoul

    Survivors of Hawaii Unite!

    Eh, Hawaiians. Where you stay?
  24. ProjectSeoul

    A plea :>

    What happens when you die again? Will you be asking for stuff?