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About ktdfatey072

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    On the Coast
  1. hello im interested in the dayz clan. i might get warz sometime but not sure yet i have a working mic as well teamspeak and skype. im 20 years old and i live in the us eastern time zone. interested in joining up with you guys.
  2. Name: my name is drewbie072 Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: my skype is andrew.pratt072 i have team speak as well as my own teamspeak server Mic?:i have 2 working mics Experience in game: iv have a decent amout of experience i am a pretty good shot with a sniper as well. im good wih tactics and being very sneaky Timezone: na east Bio: looking for cool team to jus play with have good time In game Name: drewbie072
  3. ktdfatey072

    Want 4-5 Experienced For Team

    In game name: i have many in game names Age: 19 Location: USA RI Specialty: i am a good sniper / spotter i also know how to get around a city with being noticed i have a mic that works well iv been playing dayz for about 3-4 months
  4. *1. Age: 19 2. Real Name: andrew *3. Skype Name: andrew.pratt072 4. Steam Name: ktdfatey072 *5: Rate yourself 1-20 on how experienced you are: 17 *6: Can you get from Elektro to Stary Sobor without help?: yes *7: Are you willing to commit banditry? yes *8: Are you willing to start fresh on a Private Hive server? yes *9: Can you connect to US servers? yes
  5. *1. Age: 19 2. Real Name: andrew *3. Skype Name: andrew.pratt072 4. Steam Name: ktdfatey072 *5: Rate yourself 1-20 on how experienced you are: 17 *6: Can you get from Elektro to Stary Sobor without help?: yes *7: Are you willing to commit banditry? yes *8: Are you willing to start fresh on a Private Hive server? yes *9: Can you connect to US servers? yes