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About masacrualex

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  1. masacrualex

    DayZ at Lan Party

    i cna imagine a big ass lan party with dayZ, guys kills someone on sight, that guy goes around to find out who did it then beat the shit out of him high ping is oky in dayz
  2. masacrualex

    my first day "DayZ" forum/pvp observations

    any 3rd world country It's people like you who whine about punishing. It's uneducated people like you. This is a big reason why rocket doesn't listen to most of the shit people say, because of those with your mentality. I hope the heart beat thing is added.
  3. By the time they loot everything, shit just respawns or they die on the way.
  4. Yes-x10 This is awesome, add it, those who say NO are probably butt hurt they can't be sneaky bandits no more.
  5. masacrualex

    Dear rocket, f**k humanity. Focus on Morality.

    lol another guy who wants the game developed his way.
  6. Crazy how you act hardcore OP but you say Referring to starcraft, bet you'd also mention w3.
  7. masacrualex

    DayZ is a total screw up.

    What's sad is that most of the comments call the OP a troll for stating his opinion, thoughts. Which takes us back to the death match that goes in game. Those same people probably who see opinions as trollism are pretty much the seed of all the death match IG. Wait so he says he'd kill everyone on sight and you portrait him as a crying baby? Isn't that what the whole community does in game?
  8. masacrualex

    Unchangeable gender

    This is not a role playing game, at least not many RP at all, so having no option to change is annoying as heck. Even role playing games (i'd name a bunch) lets you gender change (new character and name)
  9. masacrualex

    Are the new female skins sexist?

    this is the most sexist thing i ever downloaded off the net to play, how dare you dayz
  10. masacrualex


    lol'd, well said.
  11. masacrualex


    i can imagine the admin tping around finding the choppa
  12. masacrualex

    Are the new female skins sexist?

    Why am I an idiot lol? I posted the same thing as you, except the line that said that this model looks as it should and it wasn't intendly edited...