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Everything posted by thez

  1. My sidewinder X6 has a 'cruisecontrol' button. Much less excited then the other stuff here.
  2. thez

    Attack of the graphical glitches

    I stopped playing on Chernarus servers and switched to Lingor/Takistan servers. No dead soldiers = no artifacts.
  3. I've tried but all my favorite servers don't allow them and the pale texture bug has a fix, convert to paa in Texview 2. Link to instuctions from Osku: http://ciahome.net/f...hp?topic=2477.0
  4. thez

    2 new gun suggestions

    Have you played at least a little ArmA 2? Chernarus was in an all civil war with the CDF (Chernarussian Defense Force) and the rebel scum. AKs from Russia would have been very common protection and not only that but Operation Harvest Red called in the US troops sporting M16s and M4s guns should be stacked to the roof if an infection outbreak hit during that fragile time.
  5. thez

    Swap NV goggles for Antibiotics

    I've only ever found them in the Cherno military medical tents.
  6. Skype: syrupmeister. I play on IE1 generally.
  7. Are you going into populated servers? If so... STOP! 'Hackers' a.k.a. Script kiddies go into servers with lots of people in them. Go to one with around 10-20 people in it. I do that and I haven't met a script kiddie yet!
  8. thez

    Safe Zone Idea

    Then do the same to them.
  9. thez

    Supplemental music

    Download is clean. It is only 14 .ogg ambient creepy song files.
  10. I just press the cruise control button on my keyboard.
  11. It's been tested talking on your mic does not alert nearby zombies.
  12. ARMA II is more CPU oriented and not as much GPU oriented as BF3. Looking at your specs the CPU clock speed is pretty low.