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Everything posted by xcelsior

  1. xcelsior

    Taking a look at my motherboard and

    If you mean a bigger Wireless card, the size doesn't dictate performance. A good-Brand PCI or PCI-E x1, or even USB, will work about the same. Though when possible Wired is the best option as Wireless just introduces so many possible issues, especially for gaming. PCI-E x1 will work in PCI-E x16 slots typically.
  2. xcelsior

    Taking a look at my motherboard and

    That Wireless card (PCI-E x1) fits above the GPU (PCI-E x16) on that Motherboard (Z77 Extreme), so yes, it will fit. If you choose a PCI Wireless card such as this one then you would need to install it in the bottom most PCI slot (not PCI-E x16) to ensure it doesn't get in the way (GPU looks to be a 2 1/2 slot card, like my own 7970 is). Just as a note; Even if a Motherboard has 4x PCI-E x16 slots, there is an order they are to be used in. It will pop up errors if a GPU is installed in the wrong PCI-E x16 slot. Though moving the wireless card would work. :)
  3. News: -- Regards, Xcel
  4. News: -- Regards, Xcel
  5. News: -- Regards, Xcel
  6. News: -- Regards, Xcel
  7. We would love some more players! We seem to get plenty one-time visits, but not so many returns, we've never quite figured out why. :) Regards, Xcel
  8. xcelsior

    Tell Me The Dream Rig.

    Admittedly I've never used SLI/CrossX, and I'm far from an expert on it (I have no degree in Tech Science), but of these people I know who actually use it, it's not worth the trouble. I also don't know the first thing on Video Game Rendering you mentioned (didn't realize that was part of the goal at first), though editing such as Sony Vegas is far more CPU/RAM heavy typically. If you're gaming on a single monitor though, a single GPU of high-enough caliber should be perfectly fine. A single 7970, 680, or Titan would likely suffice, but add in Triple-monitor and you'll essentially need that second GPU. Though, admittedly, if you are a stickler for staying at a constant 60fps at ultra settings in every game (ex Crysis)...you'll likely need 2+ cards. :) If I was really going to say "Forget the budget!" though, and to fit what you ask, I'd go something around this (and it's anything but perfect, but you want ideas, so here's one!). :P I'd personally never afford that, and rationally likely never be able to bring myself to press "purchase", but if I could....
  9. xcelsior

    Tell Me The Dream Rig.

    Few things; 1) Money is always an issue. Without some kind of budget to keep either your wallet, your sanity, or your "significant other" from dieing of shock, it needs a budget. 2) Why 2 GPUs? SLI/CrossX only brings with it issues that will likely only be a headache later on. If you plan to game on 3+ monitors though, that's a good understandable reason. 3) HDDs, just for safety it might be better to split the main HDD into 2x 1tb, but that's personal prefrence. If one should die it's better to only lose half the data! Also, 2x 500gb SSDs? That's a bit...extreme. A single 500gb SSD is overkill, and is ~$500 a pop. (SDDs are damn near $1/gb). Aside from that it's not hard and if it weren't so late tonight I could likely help more, but I need sleep. :)
  10. News: -- Regards. Xcel
  11. Apologies for the sudden downtime, we had to fix a small issue. Regards, Xcel
  12. News: -- Regards, Xcel
  13. xcelsior

    Help with a New Gpu?

    If you haven't bought new things yet; You say "My Psu is 850w Corsair TX." yet ask about needing an (2x) 8-pin connector? Assuming you didn't typo, the TX850 is more then enough for a Titan, 690, or SLI single-chip cards with connections to power. "There are four 8-pin PCIe power connectors" "1 x Main connector (20+4Pin) 1 x 4+4 Pin EPS/ATX12V 4 x PCI-E"
  14. xcelsior

    Eyefinity question

    If you ever can't fix it again don't go through the hassle of a System Restore. I can only imagine it's saved via CCC or whatever the hell they call that crap these days so just uninstall that via the Driver Installation software. Using the newest beta drivers so mine would be; C:\AMD\AMD_Catalyst_13.3_Beta3\setup.exe Run that and 'Uninstall' > 'Custom' > 'CCC' / 'Vision Control Center' and follow the normal ol prompts. From there you can reinstall it and do as ya need with it. System Restores are typically just a mess in the long run, if you can avoid it, avoid it. It's really a crapware software but if it's needed for triple monitor I feel sorry for you (only run dual personally). There is no reason to use it unless Triple Monitor requires it as anything else in it is controllable elsewhere.
  15. News: -- Regards, Xcel
  16. Apologies for the downtime tonight, we had some issues with a file edit. Any random bans that have been popping up we also apologise for. Despite everything we try DayZ AntiHax refuses to die. We have tried another apporach to see if it helps, but we won't know for a while. Any issues at all, please let us know. Regards, Xcel
  17. News: -- Regards, Xcel
  18. xcelsior

    Help! 680 or 7970?

    Both are amazing cards. I use a 7970 personally and love its performance, but the 680 would have likely been equally fine, I just wanted to try ATI (upgrade form older Nvidia) and it was cheaper. You can look for benchmarks of varying games to see how each supposedly runs games you play most, if one is showing far better in your favorite games, well there ya go! I actually use the 7970 you listed, just from NE is all (was $375 at the time); http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202008 Absolutely amazing, BUT be warned it's NOT a dual-slot card. It uses 2 1/2 PCI slots due to the oversized cooler (which works amazingly). Aside from PhysX (such as in Metro 2033) I have seen 0 issues. If the 680 had been cheaper I likely would have gone that as they are so close typically! It's likely going to come down to price and which typically runs your preferred games better.
  19. You're suppose to know, you're Anarchy after all! :P News: --
  20. News: -- Regards, Xcel
  21. Glad to hear you like it! :) I've been checking the ban file frequently to make sure it doesn't ban for MPEvent Handler Exceptions (death) which was likely the cause of the random ban. We seem to have sorted that out now though! News: I will be out of town for the weekend, any questions or concerns, please direct them to Anarchy until Sunday (3/24) night!
  22. Thank you to everyone who is joining us of late! The traffic is what has made the server possible for so long. If anyone has an issues or questions we'll do our best to address them! Regards, Xcel
  23. Unless something changed there should be full FTP access. I know on our server we can edit, upload, and delete files. Deleting has always been a little annoying (seems to come and go), but edit/upload always worked. I use FileZilla to access FTP and edit files as the built-in FTP is crap just about anywhere ya go.
  24. News: -- Regards, Xcel
  25. News: -- Regards, Xcel