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About kilt1

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  1. kilt1

    Melee Weapon Petition

    melee system "SHOULD" (Never looked in Arma 2 code) be easily designed in arma....hell, zombies uses melee. Just put an animation in first person, when a certain frame of the animation is done: "the point of contact" Instantiate an invisible bullet that lasts a super short time/long enough to where it only damages something in front of you, but that isn't very professional. Simply do a distance test and a half zone test (Dot product the position vector of the zombie and the player) to determine all zombies in front of you, and call a code that damages them/pushes them back. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Can_you_name_any_uses_for_dot_product_or_cross_product_in_video_games
  2. The most awkward shoot out I ever seen in a game starts like 2 minutes in lol
  3. kilt1

    Map is too big?

    The map is too big.
  4. kilt1

    Map is too big?

    Yes and when I play Defense of the Ancients I am playing Warcraft 3.
  5. kilt1

    Map is too big?

    Why are you bringing up Arma? I am not playing Arma, I am DayZ.
  6. kilt1

    Map is too big?

    The map isn't perfect. Stop bringing up BF3 and COD, I don't even play those.
  7. kilt1

    Map is too big?

    the map isn't even 256km......
  8. kilt1

    Map is too big?

    But for a map like this' date=' 50 players are waaay to low. [/quote'] Exactly what I am saying, and people are bringing up BF3 and COD for some reason. Knock the map down about 50km, still more than enough for 50 pop
  9. kilt1

    Map is too big?

    I'm not asking to half the size of the map or anything like that. maybe knock it down to 175km which is still huge.
  10. I don't know how Arma's engine works, but does the size of the map affect the lag? Maybe map it smaller, less woodlands/plains, less towns, same number of zombies. That way the towns are more deadly because the zombie count for each town is increased and there will be more human interaction. Just my thoughts. Also, if you need programming help, I could help with the zombie AI on my off-time.