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Everything posted by wrappa

  1. they should include new Loot Spots and Markets/Tower Blocks at the Coast. Turn Kamenka into a City with military loot since now we're forced to play there everytime we login. the game is currently ruined by this login bug all the 'facts' people are stating about running the same version, updating this, deleting this and waiting a certain time are just guessing, grasping at straws about the Hive and debug plains and are basically chatting shit. quit telling people there are ways to avoid Loading Screen crashes and this login bug
  2. just over an hour and a half now should i wait until.. hmmm Tuesday in the hope i won't login at the Coast or leave it until later in the week sure my electricity bill won't be that high
  3. exact same version as the server that red chained and kicked everyone had been on 7.2.4 given up now though Mate, PC was making uneasy noises Ahh well starting to like Kamenka now :( maybe Rocket and the Devs should put a few tower blocks and more Markets, Red Houses at the Coast since thats where the Game is now only able to be played
  4. Can't see anything in Berezino for graphical glitches Can't see anything in Stary around the Tents for glitches almost unplayable, have to DC then start again at the Coast. not complaining in a cretin way just be great if they could be fixed or even ironed out a bit
  5. Maybe they will add 'Flying Pigs' to the Alpha before a standalone game... some of you talk about a full standalone game coming soon as if you know something we all don't?
  6. Well said Askar, have Beans. I'd give you ten thousand Beans if i could. This can't possibly be a 'feature' though. Its just another massive Bug ruining the game atm The idea of a stand alone finished DayZ game within months is never going to happen - Hacking - Huge unplayable Graphical Glitches - Loading screen crashes - Login Coast Teleportation these problems are worse than ever now it seems to me that DayZ is more infected and broken than the Zombie AI
  7. the teleporting to the coast has only started in the last 24 hours, i'm playing the game on various servers no different than i have been for almost 2 months. the Loading Screen crashes happen all Saturday & Sunday afternoon/evening so is it when there is an obvious higher amount of traffic? and when my ISP is at their most crappy fucking sick, i can play and enjoy the game at 5-6am in the morning, just not at weekends
  8. Ok so i'll not log off then log back onto another server with slightly different digits Ok i'll try not to do anything else that might upset it So my question is: I'm stuck on a loading screen now.. How long do i wait? 45 minutes? a Fortnight? the rest of my Adult Life wouldn't want to upset the Game now would I, not like i'm just needlessly burning Electricity away watching a Loading screen is it
  9. sometimes i've given it 10 minutes and gotten through and connected sometimes my patience wears out after 5 minutes of black Loading screen i guess when the Esc key doesn't work then i know it's goosed yet again. just wondering how long do you guys wait? or how long are you prepared to wait?
  10. think you're right Mate, if the Loading comes up with no white bar then it's almost 90% cocked up for sure. playing at 5am in the UK is a good idea.. not many problems getting a game then! lol
  11. no because i can eventually get into a game without closing 6 Updater or changing something it's server dependant just mind boggling what makes the difference
  12. wrappa

    Zombies way too hard now

    manoevering around built up areas attempting to not aggro every single Zombie is near impossible. i know exactly what all the smart arses are saying about 1 bar vision and the Zombies are easy to avoid but thats bullshit. Every attempt to loot ends up in a flat out sprint
  13. wrappa

    DayZ Stories

    I've never managed to stay alive long enough to travel North, that all changed tonight!. I stubbled upon another player at the Deer Stands in Balota. He was at the top of one of the stands looking a Zombies, then he fired a Silenced Weapon!! I couldn't believe it! I've been murdered 4 times in this game so I lay prone and blew his head off with my AKM, murder i know but to my amazement he had a MP5SD, Binoculars and a Compass, a Compass!! i've looked for a Compass for days!. I vowed to travel exactly North and finally get to see the NWAF and a high value Military site. I hunted, I gathered wood, I made fire, I cooked and travelled in the wilderness in a perfect straight direction for the first time ever playing DayZ!. I arrived at the NWAF and scanned the Hangars with my Binoculars, no Zombies to be seen and i felt a gut feeling that on this quiet server of 14 people i was here finally at the South Barracks all alone!. Like a Kid in a Sweetie Shop I looted like crazy the whole way round every possible site having the time of my life, grinning from ear to ear. Eventually the server disconnected and i got the red 60 second count. I don't care what happens to me when i log back on because i feel such a sense of accomplishment from my greatest DayZ adventure ever
  14. So i was a fresh spawn that arrived in Elektro with almost nothing other than a Red Smoke Grenade. holding nothing but the Nade and not paying full attention i accidently threw it in the upstairs stairwell of the Elektro Pub building the Grenade and smoke caused the entire top floor to demolish in complete silence, i realised just in time and sprinted out the front Door concust & bleeding to see the whole building flatten leaving a large gap in the street and some Red smoke. Literally WTF. in the next patch there should be a Smoking Ban brought in ^_^
  15. no no quite the opposite. the wrong games are all the squad based FPS that AREN'T DayZ ! lol
  16. sounds awesome! it's the natural evolution of the game
  17. can anyone be totally sure that Loot Spawns and the regeneration of Loot Spawning is not dictated by difficulty at all? the player Tag visibilty is correct, on a Recruit server the other day i could see other players from quite a distance away and the name stayed on even when one player synced out and left the game all together! glitched
  18. hey at least you're in the North! ;) sucks mate but i bet you're good enough to get through this. UK player? add me as a friend
  19. The Zeds are way too overpowered now and it virtually impossible to loot residential areas without aggro. the Loot spawns are too tight, finding a Compass is too rare to make the game playable with a fresh spawned player. as much as i love the game it's becoming even more difficult to survive
  20. Geordie gaming Veteran & excellent teamplayer wanting to join up
  21. wrappa

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I need medical help. i'm bleeding out in Elektro. almost dead with no food. i have blood bag, Epi Pen etc Will do anything for someone to come and help save a Veteran
  22. wrappa

    My First Adventure

    Six hours prone in Cherno is a much better use of my time than 'smoking pole' as you put it. but you'd need matches to smoke anything so try the quieter residential areas to find some.
  23. wrappa

    So where is "safe"?

    The area east & south east of Berezino has so far been safe for me.. (famous last words) although i find Elektro safer than most of the others posts :huh:
  24. wrappa

    People are horrible.

    +1 to the OP for a story for all to heed The divide between 'Survival' and 'Horror' when your finally North and have some items is scary. I don't want the life as a Solo Survivor who is gradually forced into to living as a Bandit but on this life I'm the furthest i've ever been on DayZ and I feel uneasy at the prospect of my chances.
  25. i can't connect to any server at all with a "Battle Eye: Bad player name". none of the fixes, re-install and download explanations make any sense to me. i don't understand how to fix it. it took me several days just to get DayZ and SixUpdater to work at all :(