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Everything posted by Turbosquidd

  1. Me and my friend were just playing on FI21, we got teleported by a hacker to an island GR:239153. Off the map, we were wondering if there were any admins that could possibly help us out by teleporting us back onto the map, we both have really good, gear so we don't want to have to respawn. Thanks in advance :)
  2. Turbosquidd

    Need help from a friendly admin!

    I could set you up with an m24, or possibly and l85?
  3. It's all great apart from, battleye doesn't like me. Twice whilst playing this mod i have been kicked off the server due to battleye not rsponding or whatever, and it has been whilst i was still in combat after killing zeds, so when i log back in, i'm already dead :L
  4. Turbosquidd

    Car Keys/ Hot-wiring

    I think that a good addition to the game would be car keys. At the moment there is no safety mechanism for cars, other then a good hiding place. It would bring in a sense of security for your vehicles and it would make it more of a challenge for people to steal your car and the gear within. They would be needed to unlock cars and drive/ possibly to access the gear stored within. Car Keys would be found in the gear of the car at it's spawn point, the car would be unlocked so that the keys good be looted A tool could also be added that would allow players to break-into and hot wire cars that they have found, it would make it more interesting when finding another players vehicle as you would either have to look for the player and take the keys, or find the hot-wiring tool and use it on the car. As well as a tool that actually allows the car of the engine to be started, you made need to break in to the car, by either breaking a window, or breaking a door. Both these actions would damage the vehicle parts retrospectively:The windows and the hull Players could also leave the keys in the car, and leave it unlocked so that, say, their friends could also use the car whilst they are not playing/there. Overall it would add a sense of security when leaving vehicles as there is no such protection at the moment.
  5. Turbosquidd

    Survival days actualy counting...

    My charcter is nearing 30 days(I think) but that is because i've been on holday for 3 weeks :P
  6. Turbosquidd

    Counter-measure for Combat Logging

    Exactly, i have the same idea. It is the easiest way of basically eraddicating Combat logging.
  7. Turbosquidd

    ZAS Final Stage of Recruitment

    - Tim - TurboSquidd - 16 (Even though i don't sound it :P) - Kent, England - At the moment, solely DayZ. But usually some BF3, Minecraft, GTA. - I've been playing DayZ for about 3 months, both with friends in a group and solo. - I now often play on my own, most of my friends i used to play with, now no longer play and i have gotten bored of playing solo and would like to join a group. Thanks :D
  8. Turbosquidd

    Change what items you spawn with?

    Just doesn't really make any sense that you have woken up on a beach and you happen to have a backpack and some painkillers, and a torch in your pocket :P
  9. Awesome, some great ideas you have there. mAny of which are definitely seemingly feasible :) You have my beans :D
  10. Turbosquidd

    CPU survivors

    It's just seems like it's easier to get high gradel loot, unless these CPU players were very good shots, i think it would be a bad idea.
  11. Turbosquidd

    Change what items you spawn with?

    I think that you should start with nothing. No pack, no supplies. Nothing.
  12. I think that the Czech Vest Pouch should be used as an extra bag space, as if you two bags. One on your back, and the vest pouch, well... on your vest.
  13. Turbosquidd

    Friendly mode

    I think this could be a good idea, but i think that there would definitely have to be a separate HIVE for the PvP and NON-PvP server, so that there would be different charcter for the different server. But overall i think it would be a waste od time and effort as it taking away and intrinsic part of the game.