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About Puka

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. This is an -alpha- EVERYONE, is an alpha tester at this point. We are all subject to faulty patches, that's the whole point of testing. Under no circumstances are you allowed to lock or kick people for "testing" purposes. I don't know the OP's history with your server but the fact of locking a server and kicking people is not even a debatable violation of server admin rules.
  2. Puka


    This thread was created a month ago. Why does DayZ community love to necro threads so much?
  3. Im confused why people like you buy servers and don't read the server rules before hand? It's given to you before you even buy a server and are asked to read and acknowledge..
  4. Just report him as I just did. He has already admitted plenty to admin abuse to at the very least obtain a warning if not a server blacklist.
  5. This is why you don't play on servers with name tags on, Makes it quite a bit harder for butthurt admins to kick when they dont know who you are. Hell, on my server i've had my base raided about 4-5 different times, my response is "oh fucking well, time to grab more vehicles when they respawn" for that matter in the current state of DayZ, pretty much all the tents and vehicles that got blown up will respawn with everything anyhow. People don't quite understand that unless you actually save shit after destroying it you're just wasting your time. If an admin kicks because he was killed/lost a vehicle then well, they're not very good at this game. When I do die, it takes me about 20 minutes in cherno to gear up with alice/enfield/tools and am good to hit up military locations again.
  6. Puka

    Please Rocket, turn on "Who killed who"

    Well this is just wrong. Between the scripts.log and the OAserver log file it is very easy to spot hackers. the scripts log will straight up show the gerk script being loaded with all the playerkill/teleport etc commands. In the oaserver you can see peoples inventories and with basic sleuthing its not hard to spot obvious hackers. Showing who killed who in game is a bad idea and will probably never be added. That woudl basically be the same thing as having bandit skins again, it gives away legit players too much. Having it shown in server logs? Maybe thats still succeptable to admin abuse and in reality what needs to be fixed is the hacking itself, which is an issue that BattleEye needs to fix which for that matter, the who killed who is an Arma2 thing as well.
  7. Do you realize how retarded that sounds? You: "Hey hacker!, can you spawn me 1000 satchel charges/as50's/ghillies, oh also a tank?" Hacker: "Sure!" You "hey admin, this is all cool for me to use right since i didnt spawn it right?" Admin: "LOL SURE NP" I cant beat around the bush and will just say you're a moron.
  8. Puka

    DMR or M107?

    Not sure why anyone is responding with anything but the m107 for daytime. 1 shot, 1 kill, you can zero in to give nearly 100% accuracy. There's no guess work like there is with the dmr. Sometimes you only have a couple seconds before you lose your target and the m107 ensures both speed and the damage to kill someone instantly. Dmr is fine for night, or if you're running into town.. My loadout is the AS50, and a silenced m4 in my backpack.
  9. I have, the issue happens both here at work and at home as well. It just says Sending zerglings, then puts me back to a login page.
  10. Well for a week now since you guys added the cute little "Sending zerglings" loading bar I cant log in to client services on your site. Which means I cant send a ticket And your live support is never online My server, Atlanta 73, is down with an unknown status for the last 4 hours. This is apparentley the only medium i can use to contact you guys currently
  11. Puka

    Me and my friends found an abandoned bus

    It's like i'm watching the first harry potter all over again, 11 year old brits everywhere.
  12. Puka

    Water Bottle Glitch

    I confirmed this multiple times last night as well, if you keep clicking you can keep creating water bottles. Not exactly a game breaking dupe but still should be fixed. I attempted to recreate this bug by converting M1911 ammo to .45 but it did not work luckily and is just affecting water bottles
  13. Uhh.. They didnt do anything to the map The map "notes" you are talking about.. When you place those.. those are visible by EVERYONE on the server fyi. And those are wiped on server restart Waypoints work just fine, depends on the server, been using it all day.
  14. Tents are still deffintley not working. On my server (atlanta 73) dayz, beta, and BE all updated. Have not tested with saving a tent after looting the items yet but tents still aren't fixed in regards to duping items.
  15. Well during the last DayZ patch we had to wait over a day to due "the guy being asleep" So today i'm taking bets on how long it will take until the new version gets pushed for us to install as its already been a good few hours that other servers have had the patch. whoever is closest without going over receives my beans!