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Everything posted by puppetmaster11

  1. puppetmaster11

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    LMAO ........ you said it brother you said it
  2. puppetmaster11

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    had the animal thing happen to us last night as well
  3. puppetmaster11

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    If anyone is on and playing I am very curious as to how noticeable the 20% decrease in zombie aggro rage is..?
  4. puppetmaster11

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I agree with this and a lot of it is frustration but this community is still better than most.
  5. puppetmaster11

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    You'll be back ...game is too good
  6. puppetmaster11

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    How many pages will this go before the hot fix ... i guess 142
  7. puppetmaster11

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Gotta is not a word .......ignorant douche bag
  8. puppetmaster11

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Dead no dying ...yes
  9. puppetmaster11

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Well said push .... and be thankful that you are here to experience this growing adventure
  10. puppetmaster11

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    drop your makarov and pick it back up fixes bug also happening with sniper rifles
  11. puppetmaster11

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Any word yet if tents are still eating gear on server restarts / crashes ? ... also logged into a barn this morning to an instant bone snap and death ...glitch fall or bear trap ?
  12. puppetmaster11

    FIx tents please

    Would make the game so much more enjoyable if gear you collect doesnt randomly disappear every few days. :-/
  13. puppetmaster11

    FIx tents please

    possible yes but it happened right after a crash
  14. puppetmaster11

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Fix tents i crawled out into cherno with broken legs got morphine crawled out survived hell stocked my tent up for the week ...wake up tents wiped ...again third time this week...three different sites ...
  15. puppetmaster11

    FIx tents please

    lol frustrating isn't it ....I dont want to complain to much its an alpha and I realize that but id like to see them address it.
  16. puppetmaster11

    where's the beef

    Any server not having tent issues with crash and restarts? ..ugh :huh:
  17. puppetmaster11

    Tents not working?

    Happened tobus two praying for a fix
  18. puppetmaster11

    are tents still getting wiped?

    Ive only been playing DayZ for a week can you define outside the borders of the map ...anywhere within the map you find is fine to set up the tent ? Is there a bug that lets you go beyond the outer edge of that map? thanks
  19. Exactly true. But imagine how unmemorable that scene would have been if Rick had just shot them on sight. It's interesting/exciting because he gives them a chance, not in spite of it. Most people right now never get past that door. you sir are correct !
  20. You shouldn't trust survivors you don't know and that's what makes it interesting ..in my opinion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1ZOOnovCwU
  21. puppetmaster11

    Chernarus C.L.I.T.O.R.I.S. - to save the infected!

    I left a bottle of lotion in a high yield farm house just dont use your trigger hand. Snoogans :P
  22. puppetmaster11

    Jet lee zombies wtf!

    Agreed but coming from someone who has only been playing for a week that being me its also very entertaining. :D
  23. "cant we all just get along?" ....too soon ? :blush:
  24. puppetmaster11

    Tents Making Items Disappear

    I heard that tents can get wiped with server crashes and restarts are you on an all time daylight server ? As these servers reset more frequently im wondering if that is a big factor.