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Everything posted by puppetmaster11

  1. puppetmaster11

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    LOL yes and yes
  2. puppetmaster11

    Clan listings?

    I've been playing dayz with a friend since we started about 2 weeks ago and I find myself wondering what it would be like to play with a larger group of survivors. I know there are clans out there and I'm wondering if anyone else thinks it may be beneficial to have a Clan Listing post somewhere on the forums so someone who would be interested in joining a clan would have a good place to start. ..disregard this entirely if such a post already exists. ;)
  3. puppetmaster11

    Snipers ........its kinda like this.

    ^^ this lol
  4. puppetmaster11

    Most Creative Camp Sites

    I'd be wary of any tent with open view to especially outside of a major city sounds like a sniper trap to me lol
  5. puppetmaster11

    Most Creative Camp Sites

    that's the irony of tents and this game lol ...you put the AS50 in the tent because your afraid of dying and losing it .. yet someone steals it anyway and didn't even get to enjoy it.
  6. puppetmaster11

    Most Creative Camp Sites

    Barb wire seems rather pointless at the moment if they are hopping servers to find you they are just going to hop inside your wire =/
  7. puppetmaster11

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Been seeing same issues
  8. puppetmaster11

    Bear Traps? !

    Has anyone set one up yet and if so are they easily seen by other players ? Im thinking camp defense here.
  9. puppetmaster11

    Most Creative Camp Sites

    Epic... and ya server hoppers will find your tent if its in an easy place ..we were going to set up atop a mountain peak over looking the coast logged into server we play on ...their were tents there already ...tried 3 more in a row ...three more camps. So we are currently looking for something "out of the way"
  10. puppetmaster11

    Bear Traps? !

    very nice I'm thinking about getting some and setting them up around dummy tents in my camp ... tents that I will not go near and I have seen a few of these in grocery stores.
  11. puppetmaster11

    Bear Traps? !

    lol ouch
  12. puppetmaster11

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    the tent situation is frustrating to be sure but its hard to tell if its a server wiping it or if you were just the victim of a looting ....
  13. puppetmaster11

    Most Creative Camp Sites

    lol that's what I thought but how many people run up and down the west tree line looking for camps or at mountain tops ... seems less likely place to look... but so close to the starting coast I found odd.
  14. puppetmaster11

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Friend logged in at our camp in the forest yesterday on the peak of a mountain range ... game decided to drop him thru fell for a moment to his death could not loot his body for him as it did not appear on the ground.
  15. puppetmaster11

    Storm the Beach......

    Is anyone else still being washed up on shore having not passed away ? ..... logged out for dinner came back a hr later and im spawning on the beach. :blush:
  16. First off I'm not a server hopper and I despise it lost out on a lot of loot from kills from disconnecting/server hoppers logged in on a server last night and it was getting dark i ran around for a bit got some extra ammo for my winchester, as it got darker I went to change servers I dont like running in the dark. When I came in on the next server all the loot that I had collected including the extra ammo had vanished.....so is this the solution to server hoping will gear not transfer between servers now? I still retained my rifle/handgun but anything new that I had picked up was wiped :huh: anyone else having issues with looted gear disapearing ?
  17. puppetmaster11

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    im having same items dissapearing issues
  18. puppetmaster11

    Did they fix server hoping ????

    tons of fun .......(wait for the mom joke) .....just like your mom :rolleyes: ...but seriously ...not sure why I am having the issue but would this not be a perfect fix for said hoppers?
  19. puppetmaster11

    Did they fix server hoping ????

    ya ya ya so I missed a p ty for your helpful reply heres to "hoping" you get hit by a bus while your "hopping" out of your car later today.
  20. puppetmaster11

    Did they fix server hoping ????

    alternative clothing being camo or ghille suit which I have not yet found or being changing your custom apperance which I have done.
  21. puppetmaster11

    game not saving gear

    When i log out im losing my gear.... i will come back online in same spot but without gear is there a fix? A little more info I used six updater to put me at and i downloaded beta patch 94876 ...where can I tell if this is the beta patch that im running ? And should I redo my install ?
  22. puppetmaster11

    game not saving gear

    I dont lose my guns just whats in my packs
  23. puppetmaster11

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    When i log out im losing my gear.... i will come back online in same spot but without the gear that i have found during the last few hrs is there a fix? A little more info I used six updater to put me at and i downloaded beta patch 94876 ...where can I tell if this is the beta patch that im running ? And should I redo my install ?
  24. puppetmaster11

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Logging in with no gear on beach do i need to update beta im running or am i sol