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Everything posted by puppetmaster11

  1. puppetmaster11

    Pizza and Arma 2 Giveaways Today!

    ^^ I support this post get yo pizza on
  2. puppetmaster11

    Sniper rifles

    I disagree completely if there is a zombie ( infected) apoc and random Joe finds a scoped rifle home slice is going to learn to use it. Also the spawn rate of said rifles is rare which is the way it should be.
  3. puppetmaster11

    Delete the super/overpowered weapons please

    Learn 2 Play ...kthanksbye
  4. puppetmaster11

    i'm bored of finding a server

    Move to the states ....jobs might suck but hey ... pings are tits
  5. puppetmaster11

    Man killed in crapper news at 11

    *disclaimer not my video just posted for your enjoyment* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_WEjexHvRw
  6. puppetmaster11

    Dayz Backgrounds

    Morning all!! Thought some of you might enjoy this link to some nice dayz wallpapers http://imgur.com/a/goXyG
  7. puppetmaster11

    barbwire friendly fire

    *disclaimer not my video just for chuckles*
  8. puppetmaster11

    So.. bear traps eh?

    planning on setting these around my camp for sure lol
  9. puppetmaster11


    says the guy with the wife beating colt 45 icon ........... good game champ
  10. puppetmaster11


    War Z----> <---------- Day z
  11. puppetmaster11

    Good Heli crash site?

    Good grab for sure
  12. puppetmaster11

    Very stupid question...

    While hilarious ...not very helpful <_<
  13. Sniper rifle % are extremely low ..by far the easiest to find are in heli crash sites or barns for the lowest level I recommend you take a look at dayzdb.com's map it shows some percentages ...not sure how accurate but it seems to be pretty close.
  14. puppetmaster11

    Would you take the shot?

    I would say no ... but 20 min later that same person could shoot you in the back. Tough call.
  15. *disclaimer not my video just posting for your virtual enjoyment*
  16. puppetmaster11

    Found a working boat...

    Not sure if you can fill it from the water ...only video I have seen boat was being filled up from the dock. :(
  17. puppetmaster11

    This is akward

  18. puppetmaster11

    Should I add sniper hotspots on maps?

    mmm nope just clutter on the map so many sniper spots so little time
  19. puppetmaster11

    Why I'll now hack, dupe, and DC

    your post and perhaps your being can be summed up as follows.....
  20. puppetmaster11

    Crazy Convoy of 5 Vehicles

    Sure post your documented recording for all to see :D :beans:
  21. puppetmaster11

    Starter weapon...

  22. puppetmaster11

    So i bought Arma 2 Non steam version..

    As long as you have arma 2 downloaded to your pc you will be fine you don't have to run dayz thru steam