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Everything posted by puppetmaster11

  1. puppetmaster11

    Suggestion for new map

    Would be hard to survive off the land ....I'm so not eating radioactive venison
  2. puppetmaster11

    Video - Executing a Noob... Leave comments.

    62% at least
  3. puppetmaster11

    Server GB-1 joining causes death!!

    leave server find another should get your stuff back happened to us last night on our home server
  4. puppetmaster11

    200k players in the last 24 hours!

    ^^ this
  5. puppetmaster11

    Give zombies more HP

    Silly silly they are not zombies they are infected :rolleyes: Rocket says so....
  6. puppetmaster11

    Loot in tent changes?

  7. First time I found a bicycle at Stary Sobor .... rode it around like a child and then was promptly sniped off of it.
  8. puppetmaster11

    Sorry, dude

    The wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus go round an...oh sh*t tree!
  9. puppetmaster11

    free loot

  10. puppetmaster11

    Chicken kills tour de france hopeful ! news at 11

    not my video put disclaimer at the top ... I like to post videos I find on reddit page because not everyone goes there to browse :)
  11. puppetmaster11

    Tough Actin Tinactin !!

    *disclaimer this is not my video it is for your enjoyment this raining tuesday in ohio*
  12. puppetmaster11

    Tough Actin Tinactin !!

    Are you telling me if you had John Madden lined up you wouldn't take the shot .....those commericals ahhhhhhhhh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pg1H9PBwLp4
  13. puppetmaster11

    Pending Update: Build

    @ Rocket Sir with the additonal changes you may be making based off of the actually constructive critisism is this still the target date for the release of Target date: * Wednesday 25 July 2012 (GMT)
  14. puppetmaster11

    Pending Update: Build

    I had to take a bathroom break after this one lol
  15. puppetmaster11

    Pending Update: Build

    carry the torch !
  16. puppetmaster11

    Rocket Defence Force and Anti-Rocket Alliance ASSEMBLE

    :beans: :thumbsup:
  17. puppetmaster11

    Pending Update: Build

    RDF ---><--- ARA
  18. puppetmaster11

    Pending Update: Build

    cant have a forum without
  19. puppetmaster11

    Pending Update: Build

    I heart you haters
  20. puppetmaster11

    Pending Update: Build

    Lore will be coming in the stand alone game .... as for now its a mod your on the beach because the h.s.s best mod ever crashed and washed you on shore .... now pick that sand out of your crack and start hitting the shoelace express.
  21. puppetmaster11

    Pending Update: Build

    Not true hes working on that also just has not added it to the fix list yet until it is complete