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Everything posted by puppetmaster11

  1. puppetmaster11

    Looking for a mountain :-)

    We have our camp set up on the mountain a.......wait a min ......nice try
  2. puppetmaster11

    Best example of Instant Karma I've ever seen.

    He has done nothing wrong with the respawn ... hes not server hopping or duping like half of you pos people that flame everything under the sun ..... that being said respawn is being removed so get used to walking.
  3. puppetmaster11


    its pretty hit or miss atm and you can't rely on the server times that are present
  4. puppetmaster11

    Pending Update: Build

    actually atm it does matter .... clarify the question
  5. puppetmaster11

    Crazy Animal Hacker

    Finally fresh meat at McDonalds.
  6. puppetmaster11

    Fun with Scripting

    well at first ... I was thinking the community was going to say go fuck yourself ...and then ... I realized they would be correct so I took matters into my own hands
  7. puppetmaster11

    Pending Update: Build

    are you trying to put a weapon into a small backpack or a full one ?
  8. puppetmaster11

    Pending Update: Build

    Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  9. puppetmaster11

    How to troll a noob!

    couldn't get past the posters icon .... :huh:
  10. puppetmaster11

    Just got shot, unarmed.

    I got shot yesterday unarmed in cherno by a man in a ghillie suit ... to his defense he said halt but I didnt see a ghillie suit I thought it was the gd Swamp Thing ...........run!!!!!
  11. puppetmaster11

    Fun with Scripting

    go F**K yourself
  12. puppetmaster11

    Fun with Scripting

    inb4 go F**k yourself
  13. puppetmaster11

    Pending Update: Build

  14. puppetmaster11

    Pending Update: Build

    door is that way just watch out for Statham
  15. puppetmaster11

    Pending Update: Build

    Do I detect sarcasm
  16. puppetmaster11

    Pending Update: Build

    ^^ tee hee this
  17. puppetmaster11

    proof that rocket is a sadist.

  18. puppetmaster11

    Zombies are Mike Tyson

    "I'm just a dark guy from a den of iniquity. A dark shadowy figure from the bowels of iniquity. I wish I could be Mike who gets an endorsement deal. But you can't make a lie and a truth go together. This country wasn't built on moral fiber. This country was built on rape, slavery, murder, degradation and affiliation with crime." ~ Mike Tyson
  19. puppetmaster11

    Looking for a partner or two.

    What is your playstyle ..bandit ....bandit hunter ....town camper ..wilderness survivor .... ?
  20. puppetmaster11

    New idea : Tree House

  21. puppetmaster11

    Sorry to that noob.

    need a few more kills under your belt to be a bandit .... no apology needed tho that axe murder had it coming
  22. puppetmaster11

    New idea : Tree House

    Not a bad idea but I know my buddy Eric would just fall out of it to his untimely death ... seriously this cat had died twice in deer stands.... :D
  23. puppetmaster11

    More Suggestions

    Good call on vehicle tents for sure you have my beans .... Rocket stated they are looking at tents possibly for this patch although ...I would think it would be further down the line