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Everything posted by info@mojovisions.nl

  1. info@mojovisions.nl

    Reporting servers

    I can personally confirm action will be taken, as I've reported a few servers spread out on multiple hosts (Vilayer, Fragnet, etc). I once even went as far as to go back to the reported server after being told action was taken. Result: I was no longer being kicked by the admin for only joining the damn server (it was a clan server, and somehow they thought it was ok to kick anyone not in their clan so they could loot freely). Instead, the admin asked nicely on global voice to leave the server, lmao... BUT, they didnt kick :) Most hosts have some kind of a 3-strikes policy anyway, but reporting them DEFINITELY helps. Unless you are actually being a dick of course :p
  2. info@mojovisions.nl

    Common items you've never seen.

    You can find them in and around Kozlovka, Nadezdhino, Vyshnoye and Msta. Check this video for confirmation: This definitely! And the RAK + mag. Now let me get back to my elusive SMERSH Vest quest... I shall not give up yet!
  3. info@mojovisions.nl

    Non Firearms you would like to see in game

    Craftable arrows are already in! Check: http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Improvised_Arrow Just get some chicken feathers, sharpens some sticks with a knife (etc) and combine them for it ^^
  4. info@mojovisions.nl

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    So perfect.. :) Thank you for this! Any chance you have a higher resolution version? In any case: amazing job!