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Everything posted by mmmsoad

  1. mmmsoad

    Walk toggle

    I keep getting stuck in walk mode and it appears to be random (eg, have a drink, animation finishes, stuck walking). Double tapping shift doesn't get rid of it. Tried all other combinations. Any ideas?
  2. mmmsoad

    M4 assault rifle accuracy test (VIDEO)

    dont understand this at all. Im the one playing the game, this isn't a simulation. The gun should shoot where I aim (obviously with other variables considered). It shouldn't be inaccurate regardless of where you aim just because the game is about everyday survivors of a zombie apocalypse. That is just plain annoying and laves everything up to chance and doesn't reward people who can actually aim accurately. Some people want this game to be OTT with realism, next they'll start wanting an update of 'when nature calls' when your guy needs the toilet every few hours and you need to dig a hole int he ground and collect leaves
  3. mmmsoad

    Animals you want to see

    Rocket recently said in the future they will add more animals like deer for hunting. What else do you want to see? I think an agressive animal would be great, like a bear for example, that would make walking the woods pretty scary, plus if you capture a prisoner you can be pretty cruel - handcuff them and feed them to a bear!
  4. mmmsoad

    Animals you want to see

  5. I thought where you shoot someone would destroy that item? for example, if you shoot someone in the back, it ruins everything in their backpack? head will ruin helmet/hat? legs then any items in trousers? Either way it doesn't work, someone came at me with spade, one hit in my front, shot him, everything in my backpack was 'ruined'
  6. mmmsoad


    I would imagine they haven't been added yet because there will be a lot of server/loot/character resets in the coming weeks/months. I think they should add them soon though as collecting stuff adds a big objective and purpose
  7. mmmsoad

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    Can someone write out for me what I have to put in the launch parameters please, because im kind of computer illiterate, sorry :blush: System specs are: windows 7 64bit, intel core i5-3570k cpu @ 3.4ghz, 16gig RAM, nvidia gtx670 thanks in advance!
  8. mmmsoad

    READ THIS - The truth on the hunger/thirst issue

    how much do you have to eat to be 'full'? I drank about 2 bottles of water and was well quenched.. but i must have eaten 2 bits of fruit, a full can of beans, a full can of tuna, some cereal and im still not full
  9. I'm enjoying the mod but I agree to an extent, there is a fine line between realistic games, and games being realistic to the extent they are just annoying. From what I have read before about things they want to introduce I am not sure - being out in the sun too long will have negative effects, drinking / eating too much of certain things making you sick, having to rest at regular intervals etc. Obviously things are subject to, but I imagine certain things could just be annoying
  10. mmmsoad

    Military areas

    I know there aren't many guns in the game now, but where are the areas you find the weapons. I sttill imagine the airfield, but Stary military tents are gone. What about balota airfield and berezino? Also where is the new military tent area that was shown off in previews? Cheers
  11. mmmsoad

    Military areas

    Nice. Does your silencer work? Mine doesn't so not sure if just bugged or somehow I attach it differently
  12. mmmsoad

    Military areas

    no but first i read whats its about to decide whether i'll watch it or not
  13. Fell unconscious but awoke a few second later, but im stuck laying to the floor and am unable to get up / move. All i can do is look around with 'alt' and access my inventory. Tried all sorts of button combinations but no luck getting up. Anyone experienced this and know how to get up? Or even an idea how to suicide? This has happened to me twice, first time i left it over an hour until i fell unconscious again and could respawn. This second time, for some reason I am actually slowly gliding across the floor of the map in the direction i'm facing, basically in a vegetated state (out of my control, I am not controlling the gliding it just happened as i awoke). I really don't want to wait again if I don't have to as its 1230am here. I think maybe a suicide option would be good at this stage of alpha just to avoid these issues - i've read a few threads of people spawning under buildings and having to wait it out. Thanks for any help
  14. Don't know why i never thought of that :blush: , I imagine that would work. Fortunately i just tabbed back in and was unconscious already so could respawn. Its already happened twice so if it happens a third time i'll try that cheers
  15. mmmsoad

    Attempts for regaining consciousness

    In the bug report it says to rejoin another server and you should be conscious. Some have said it worked but it didn't work for me. Think it needs to be removed for now until its fixed, for me its the only thing ruining the alpha
  16. mmmsoad


    I went through very similar steps just now and it didn't worked for me. Spawned on the coast near Tulga so went there and got a backpack filled with gear, perfect conditioned fruit, water, soda etc. Headed to Solnichy, regularly drinking/eating combinations of everything - no rice or milk though, but tuna and cereal instead. Looting the buildings next to Solnichy and pass out.. its not even a long journey but I rested regularly along the way (had to answer the phone so got a long rest in) and didn't sprint once out of fear of passing out. At the moment its too regular and kinda game-breaking, every life I have had has ended this way and this time I thought I was doing it all right. Need a hotfix to remove it for now imo
  17. mmmsoad


    yea i think becoming unconscious needs to be removed for now. I haven't gone 30mins without it happening and i'm not waiting around for up to an hour until i regain consciousness, especially as i cant alt+tab as the game crashes. It happens even if i regularly eat and drink. Resting is fine but considering its a huge map to explore, and the game currently wants me to rest every 2mins... plus when you start a new life if you are hit by zombie - bleeding - can fall unconscious after just a few hits and if its a new life and you don't have the correct gear yet well then your screwed (As I just experienced after exploring elektro for gear for 30mins I couldnt get a backpack, so only had 2 bandages on me, eventually a zombie knocks me unconscious.. unless im supposed to keep server hopping to get the gear..)
  18. mmmsoad


    Surely these long wait times being mentioned arent permanent? Thats a terrible idea if so, some people only get short gaps to play but could spend up to 45minutes unconscious..
  19. having witnessed some of that twitch stream and realizing these are the people i'll be playing dayz with, i will find it hard not to kill on sight
  20. Why is twitch relevant? They just streaming again or you guys think it means they are releasing soon? Can i have a link to it please?
  21. mmmsoad

    November Round-up

    well thanks for correcting me rather than just saying 'no'. helpful
  22. mmmsoad

    November Round-up

    Sorry? I thought it was quite widely known that the alpha release was originally set for the end of 2012 but got pushed back
  23. mmmsoad

    November Round-up

    Not necessarily, I will be getting it at Alpha as i loved the mod, it was a unique gaming experience and I understand the stage its at so won't complain about things missing / bugs etc. I just think that by the time its released it will have fallen behind massively, and I think Dean knows that which is why he now says stuff along the lines of 'i dont care how many people play it, i only care about players who play it for what it is, not the casual gamer etc', because his initial release was last december, whilst it was still incredibly popular and it was an original idea. I'm not complaining or having a go at all, just saying its a shame that upon release the 'hype' will be so little compared to what it was 12 months ago due to how long its taken, especially as the release is an alpha and there is still a ridiculous amount they need to, and I don't think the fanbase or developers expected or intended that at all. At the moment you have some (poor) games trying to imitate it, and you have mods like Breaking Point which have improved the original game massively, mods coming out for Arma3, and if companies are wise someone somewhere will be taking their time over a new game with a similar idea but a decent engine (not the crap like war z thats getting released now).
  24. mmmsoad

    November Round-up

    In no way am I bashing the SA at all, but can someone tell me the actual point? I thought that from the success of the Mod they wanted to create a new game with less bugs/faults and the ability to include all the great ideas they had which they couldn't include before. But, it appears to be going the exact same way as the Mod in that they will release it in Alpha, with updates to the game fairly regularly, say every few weeks/month etc to fix bugs/add additional items etc, but it will be months and months before it is considered beta, then a similar time spam again until its considered complete and we have the offficial DayZ:SA. My estimated guess for that is a year from when the alpha is released. By then its popularity will have decreased a lot and there will be no hype (as I imagine the majority of fans will be playing it from alpha stage) so it sort of puts a bit of a downer on it all. I know Dean has said he doesn't care about numbers, but again I think thats quite a sad way to look at it after all the work they are putting into it and the huge popularity and praise that the mod got.