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Van (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Van (DayZ)

  1. Van (DayZ)

    Internet Privacy and You

    im screwed :P
  2. as the title states there were several hackers in my server running rampent killing players in debug, spawning items ect. i have no way to stop the server and restart. To all the people of US274 The server will be back up and order will be restored. As for now no one will be able to get in as i have locked it. And to any dev that sees this please advise me what to do if i cannot get into my CP .
  3. Van (DayZ)

    US #500 Vet - Multiplay :: Aarons server (Admin Abuse)

    that font hurts my eyes
  4. ok The server is unlocked. i now have access to CP. restart will follow soon.
  5. Van (DayZ)

    Can i buy a new copy of arma

    so in order to justify getting killed by a hacker you hack yourself. :huh: that makes total sense.
  6. Cherno = portal to hell?
  7. Van (DayZ)

    Chopper battle and car chase! [VIDEO] Amazing!

    mildly entertaining
  8. Van (DayZ)

    Possible Teleporting/God Mode Shens

    Have reports of same guy with godmode teaming up with this guy who has a sachel and they logged in and D/C just seconds apart. Coincidence?
  9. Van (DayZ)

    Possible Teleporting/God Mode Shens

    i should also add that he had an buddy This guy krazyKranky has a pipe bomb and logged in with spencer. copy paste straight from the logs. 20:42:42 Player KrazyKranky connecting. 20:42:54 Player Spencer connecting (KrazyKranky) REMOTE,["30Rnd_762x39_AK47",["30Rnd_762x39_AK47",29],"ItemMorphine","PipeBomb","ItemEpinephrine","ItemPainkiller","7Rnd_45ACP_1911","7Rnd_45ACP_1911","7Rnd_45ACP_1911", "ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage"],true]"
  10. Van (DayZ)

    Possible Teleporting/God Mode Shens

    I can confirm this as this is my server. I have server logs of said individual
  11. Van (DayZ)

    US 785 North Carolina (Was North Carolina 4)

    i used to call it home till one day we started getting constantly kicked for a 50 ping and my friend got constantly kicked for a 30 ping. Then our Camp was discovered and some dude server flanked us and waited in lobby till we started messing around in our camp and logged in a lit us up like the 4th of july.
  12. Van (DayZ)

    US177 admin irony

    i hear you. I will adress it with everyone. contact me if any more problems arise.
  13. Van (DayZ)

    US177 admin irony

    I understand and thats the same thing we face when we play. yall are the first group we have come across that hasnt done it to us in the 2 weeks the server has been up. I really hate i missed the second battle, from what i hear it was pretty intense. oh and btw we do not have but one vehicle if it is still there aint seen it in a long time. We did have 3 but we suspect some other group has been hording them. Me and another guy ran up on a camp with one of our stolen vehicles with 4 players there.
  14. Van (DayZ)

    US177 admin irony

    Hello fellow survivors, I am the server owner of us177. I am aware of my team mates disconnecting during the first firefight at the chopper those of which i am not responsible for nor will i ban my friends whom i game with every night for doing some thing that is done to us every night since this mod has been out. Secondly i do not enforce server hopping as not is it in the MOTD. As for me I was on the back end of the chopper away from the firefight shooting zombies when yall opened up on spectre and gunslinger. i never took fire and never had a bullet hit within 100m of my location. I ran ~100m north away from the action and did DID disconnect to help those who took fire and went to different server to heal because i was far enough out of the fight and yall never engaged me nor did i return fire. I then proceded to log back into ours AT THE SAME LOCATION where yall killed my team. during the second i was not there 10 minutes prior to 10 min after. I have been fighting Internet issues with my modem/router for several days now and was waiting on internet to come back up. the guys u killed at the second location ran back up north looted their bodies and yours then burried all 6 bodies which explains all the bodies being gone. And as for the warning message it is ment to discurage DCing as there is now way of knowing who is who in a VET server. the server has been up for a few weeks now and i have KICKED/BANNED 0 people for disconnecting. yet players D/C'd on me and my group on a nightly basis and none of which have been banned. I do try and be fair with other survivors and i will NOT ban without video/SS proof. The entire reason i got my own server was because We played in North carolina 4 for weeks and admin banned us after he found our camp with us there under the reason my 54 ping and teammates 34 ping was too high. I understand you are upset but there are worse admins out there. If you are mad at me and my group be mad every single person in dayz who has D/C'd in a fight at some time or another. if you wish to contact me personally i will send you my steam name via pm. Cheers and happy hunting, vAn tHe mAn