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Everything posted by Taggert13

  1. Taggert13

    Melee Balance To Reduce KOS

    So as it stands in the current version, an unarmed player can fairly easily knock out a player and then take their gun. I would assume this was added to make newspawns not feel completely helpless. I love this feature and its really fun to do to a bandit, but I feel that it adds to the KOS. Because if someone with nothing can kill me as soon as I turn my back on him, why would I let him near me. I can personally confirm that I have killed entire groups of bandits starting with nothing but my fists. So how do we allow fist to be viable without encouraging KOS. My goal is to encourage balanced gameplay, not remove KOSing. Games are the most fun when you have options. Some ideas: 1) Allow a person to move around with their hands up. 2) Allow a block movement, so that you could block a punch or bat with your melee weapon or gun. Preventing damage to you but hurting the weapon. 3) A punch needs to be charged to knock someone out. 4) Instead of being knocked out by a punch, the reciever just has their vision greyed and blurry and ringing in their ears. Giving the puncher time to escape. Let me know what ideas you have.
  2. Taggert13

    Mosin Pointblank Issue

    I've noticed a problem with the mosin at point blank range. It doesn't seem to hit a player that is literally right in front of you when hip firing. Both the muzzle and the dot are right on them. So unless the bullet left the muzzle at a right angle, it should hit them. Friends have observed this and I have seen videos where it happens to others as well. The M4 and pistols don't seem to have this issue. I assume it is a latency problem. Anybody know exactly what the issue is or how to avoid it?(besides not letting people get close) I've taken to having my pistol out instead when I am in town.
  3. Taggert13

    Melee Balance To Reduce KOS

    Yeah the thing that sucks is that brand new players don't realize they are being threatening by being too close. So I always feel super guilty about shooting someone who just might be confused.
  4. Is there any where in Electro that can spawn a magazine for the M4? I know where the M4 spawns there, but I have yet to find any magazines in the town.
  5. Taggert13

    My Humble Suggestions

    This is the first suggestion of thermal that I am almost ok with. NVGs were really, really game breaking in the Mod. Your idea would require that a spotter could give good enough direction to a sniper, to target someone. And it would almost only punish campers, as anyone moving would have moved before you switched to your gun. I personally would like to avoid all NV or Thermal, as it makes too big of a gap between the haves and have nots. As Rocket has said, and anyone who played it has noticed, the Arma engine doesn't handle light very well. It has been stated by Bohemia that the engine was not designed for night combat. (It's a good thing that war only happens during the day!) The thing that drives me crazy is how dim the street lights are. They are less bright that your flashlight.
  6. Taggert13

    Mi 2

    The Mi-17, both military and civilian, were in the Mod. So they already have models for those. They were a beast to fly, so heavy!
  7. Taggert13

    Melee Balance To Reduce KOS

    I'm trying to encourage discussion within a certain context. People often try to improve systems without understanding how they effect other systems. I want to make melee better without hurting other systems. Unarmed combat was not in the Mod and adding it has changed other system. I don't have a problem with melee EXCEPT that it prevents trust.
  8. Taggert13

    Mosin Pointblank Issue

    Is there something wrong with 50m zeroing? I leave it at 50m because 50m is the only distance I would get surprised from and have to fire fast. If someone is 100m+ then I have time to press page up once. I have used the dot just fine at a distance, my question is why doesn't the dot work close but works far. I can land a 150m+ shot just fine with the dot, but not a 1m shot. If it is a straight line, then both should be valid. If I was running through a field, I would zero to the nearest tree line. But then I wouldn't be running through a field in the first place! ;)
  9. Just like in real life, its about the journey. Enjoy every moment and your life will be better for it!
  10. Ghosting = logging out, changing servers, moving to a better location and logging back into the original server(people use this to get behind people safely) Combat Logging = quitting the game when you were about to die to avoid losing your stuff KOS = Kill on Sight (the mentality that someone shoots you no matter what) Friendly Dance = using the lean left and right keys to wave back and forth to show you are a friend Loot Cycling = looting everything, even trash, so that better loot will respawn in its place(currently disabled in SA) SA = StandAlone Mod = DayZ Mod, a mod for Arma 2 that is the father of the Standalone Hive = the database for all the characters, can be public or private (private means your character only exists on specific servers) Bandit = someone who likes to kill players Hero = someone who likes to help players BB = Blood Bag, restores health
  11. Taggert13

    Low Tier Military/Civilian Security

    Did you play DayZero? They modified the square building that is at Otmel(and a lot of places) to be a security building. It had SMGs and low end military. It was really great. It had only one exit and was a death trap for unarmed players. Super fun and helped a lot for early game.
  12. Taggert13

    Clothing suggestion.

    The thing that drives me crazy is trying to play with a group. Everyone looks the same and then you run into 4 other people that look just like you. Oh ballistic helmet, gas mask, camo shirt, and pants? Never seen you before! ;) I came up with the idea that we would all wear the same Dallas mask and blue beanie hat so that we would know who is who. The VERY next person we ran into was wearing that. They really need to make camo items WAY more rare, just to encourage a diverse look. Like in the mod, finding a ghillie suit was exciting. Should be like that. Oh holy shit, camo pants. Not, "Oh what season of camo pants do you want? This building has 2 of each"
  13. Taggert13

    Mosin Nagant Zeroing

    This is how the Mod was. I love the super tight gun play of the Mod. I have to assume that the weapons have been modified to either increase performance(reduce calculations per gunshots) or to introduce randomness to increase excitement. I assume the loss of accuracy is meant to be casued by the poor condition of found weapons.
  14. Taggert13

    Melee Balance To Reduce KOS

    Yeah, newspawns have nothing to lose, it makes them vicious!
  15. Rocket actually did post a discussion about HOW they are trying to balance entity spawning. I couldn't find it to link it, but as a game developer myself, it was really scary to read. Currently they use scripts to create loot and zombies. And this script causes too high a load on the server, hence why respawning is disabled. They are trying to get the engine to manage entity creation now, so that they can get up to that 4000 number. From the way they talk, it still sounds like they are modding, rather than building a standalone. The problems they listed for the mod and the SA are not solved by the OP ideas. They do not want the server to always be checking for players. The Arma engine broadcasts each players events to ALL players on the server. If you open a door in Kamenka, it tells the guy in Berezino. To lessen the load, Rocket tried to make a system that was not based on players. Loot is there all the time, zombies are there all the time. Adding conditions to the process just doesn't scale well with Arma. If you create a spawn ring, much like the mod, the engine will get bogged down and we will end up back in the days of nothing spawning.
  16. Taggert13

    Electro M4 Magazine Spawn

    I take it from everyone talking about other places, the answer is No, there are no m4 mags in Elektro :P
  17. Taggert13

    Mosin Pointblank Issue

    Aye, I feel like the bullet starts 1 foot in front of the mosin, as if it doesn't know how long the barrel is. I figured the game thinks I am 1 foot forward, and my enemy is 1 foot closer, and we just overlap. I backpedal when I can and that works just fine. 5m away works like a charm. There is just so much melee in the game to not be able to shoot someone right on you. I have used this to my advantage. Bandit tried to rob me and I just ran up inside him and started punching, he fired like 4 mosin shots, no hits then he went down. Also, my zeroing is always set to 50 when this occurs. I don't know what anyone elses was. But even if it was set to 800, that isn't going to effect the tragectory 1foot in front of me.