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About Nymann93

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  1. I've recently put up a wire fencing kit so I could be safe in a house when I logged in. But now I'm unable to get out of the house, is there a way to remove wire fencing kit? I know I can change server, but just in general for next time :sleepy:
  2. Lol, I've been playing with a buddy of mine since yesterday, we have been lan. We could easily join servers on the same connection? We had no problems at all :)
  3. Okay we'll try that, thanks :)
  4. I was in a supermarket with one of my friends, and we see 3 Czech Backpacks laying around. I already had one of those, so didn't need one, but he only had a 12 slots assault backpack.. He tried to approach them and change the packs, but he was unable to do so.. Anyone encountered this problem aswell?
  5. Nymann93

    LFM - UK/Euro players!

    I'd like to team up! I'm from Denmark but I speak and understand English pretty well! Just one question, can you play in 3rd person in EU30? I really don't like 1st view :P
  6. Nymann93

    Looking to join a small team

    I'd like to play with you! I just started yesterday so a bit inexperienced in this particular game. But it sure is fun, and I'd bet it would be a lot funnier teaming up with someone! I'm from Denmark but I speak and understand english good enough to play any game, I also got a mic and my own ventrilo server :) I'm playing with another dude tonight I think, he's from England aswell :) My steam is: Sgt. Nymann I tried finding you on steam but was unsuccesfull! Add me if you want to play :) I wont be able to play until tonight though, but I'm playing all night through! :D EDIT: I think I found you now, but not sure :P
  7. Nymann93

    Short question about DayZ

    Just buy the Arma II: Combined Operations from steam. You just need Arma II and Arma II: Operation Arrowhead and those 2 include in that package on steam (25 euro).
  8. Nymann93

    Wanting people for a group

    I just started playing this mod aswell, maybe have 5-6 hours of gameplay total, and haven't had a real chance on character. Never had a weapon. Only axes but I always seem to die when going alone. I need a buddy to team with! I'm not using Skype though, I hate that program. Ventrilo/Teamspeak for me! /PM me if interested.
  9. I'm one of the guys that wont shoot-on-sight .. I haven't been in one of those situations though. I just started playing and haven't found a weapon yet (atleast not with ammunition). But if I feel threatened by him, if he's carrying a weapon and pointing at me without typing/talking I'd prolly feel scared and shoot him. But I'd never shoot someone unarmed! I've been shot once by a sniper in chernogorsk and I was completely unarmed, and pretty much just spawned so I had no items, I was just looking for someone to team up with! Was kind of annoying :P But I just respawned and continued, I didn't have any items so couldn't care less.
  10. I think the system is fine aswell. What you explained haven't happened to me though, but I've been surprised by many zombies suddenly just appearing behind me, they do knock you out pretty fast.. I broke my leg in 1 hit (12.000 blood) I found that pretty annoying but what you gonna do? I just respawned and continued, I'm sure someone could break your leg in 1 hit in real life if strong enough ;)
  11. Nymann93

    My all Items were vanished!!!!

    I don't know what happened, but if you went out in some water (so you began to swim around) you will lose your backpack and most of your items.. I don't know why though, happened to me aswell.
  12. Nymann93

    Looking to make a small group

    @Izziee (I'm the dane that disliked skype) I actually have my own ventrilo server we can sit on when we play, aslong as we'll keep it at a smaller level (4-6 people), I own it with one of my friends, so I'm also an admin on it, so we can sit there quietly to ourself without other people on the ventrilo server disturbing us, annoying us etc.
  13. Nymann93

    How hard is this game actually?

    True, try playing alone, from the very beginning with no items. Go into a big city and try and survive, (Join a server with many pople 40-50) You'll find it difficult, I promise you that.
  14. Nymann93

    How on earth do I use a bandage?!

    Where are you from? Perhaps you'd like to play with me :) I'm also new to the game still trying to figure out all the controls! I'm european so any server from there should be fine ping wise :)