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About qwerty_uieo

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    On the Coast
  1. I think you should get arma 2: CO just because its a great game. I usually have more fun with it than DayZ, and I can tell you this, I LOVE DayZ.
  2. qwerty_uieo

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    although its probably been mentioned already I will get the standalone but if it costs more than $20 than I will consider not getting arma 3 on pre-order because than I'll be spending so much money on technically the same game at one time. I would like to see that if you buy DayZ or if you buy Arma 3 you get a $5 off coupon for the other game. I think in a marketing kind of way this will give BI excellent profits as they will end up in a win-win situation when DayZ players are more obligated to buy Arma 3 as they normally would not.
  3. qwerty_uieo

    Airborne virus. V4

    I think this would be completely awesome if it were slightly tweaked. The fog/mist should be filled with zombies and it also carries the air borne infection. The rag and gas mask help prevent the infection as a % over time. Meaning that the rag would prevent the infection 25% of the time every 5 mins. and the mask should be 95% of the time every 5 mins (because hell maybe a zombie pulled it down or off for a split second). The mist should be more like fog with yellow-ish snow flakes in it while regular fog still patrols the game. The fog should only appear during adverse weather or from dusk to dawn. The game needs weather systems to be implemented in a sense of clouds being projected on the landscape so when a big cloud comes so does the mist. This way its not mid-day and fog rolls in, it also makes sense that the fog travells in cold/warm fronts as so do clouds and weather systems. The clouds idea is just my 2cents that would also make the game looks visually better :P so I suppose it doesn't need to be implemented.