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Everything posted by pepperkorn@gmail.com

  1. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    Server Chat Commands 1.0

    Server Chat Commands v1.0 Add a few more features to your DayZ server with this Server Chat Command tool. This is part of my DayZ Server Suite but I decided for now to branch it off and polish it up a bit for people to use, I like the idea of something like this so I'll be improving it. How it works: Anybody can use chat (any chat) to type in any of the following commands !commands (Displays all commands and their use) !me - usage: !me [hates bandits] (IRC style /me command) !info (Displays exact server time) !hack - usage: !hack [playername: reasoning] ([] brackets required) Sends an Email of the report !admin - usage: !admin [message here] ([] brackets required) Requirements: BEC with active chat logging enabled. Dedicated server to run this on. How to use: You need to place the contents in the .rar in the same folder you have BEC.exe in. This currently does not support any custom paths to BEC's cfg file. Upcoming Features: Ability to add custom commands, for example you could do !teamspeak which would display your TS info, or !mumble Add a !kick feature? (need input on if this would even be a good idea) !restart - shows restart times and ETA till next restart. requests Download: v1.0 http://www.mediafire...dkhzxadirx3pzb3
  2. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    DayZ Server Suite Alpha 1.0.3

    Download for 1.0.2 in second post. Current features of the Dedicated version: -RPT Scanning -BEC integration -Chat commands like !me [slaps you haha] !hack [player: reason] etc.. -Server setup (in progress) -BEC Setup (in progress) Current features of the FTP vesrion: -update/rework in progress I'll be gone the next few days due to a wedding, an update will be posted when I return
  3. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    vilayer customer support

    Oops. delete this
  4. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    Cheating Epidemic has forced me to close my server

    lol, go complain on the BattlEye forums if you are so pissed off about hackers. THEY are the ones who handle the anti-cheat system. As far as your last sentence, I haven't had a single report of hacking in my server in weeks... hmm, wonder why that is. The dayz devs have done an excellent job it attempting to curb stomp hackers.. I'd say for a game that trusts the client for as much as it does, they don't deserve to be slammed for this.
  5. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    Can enable Global/Side chat for all players?

    As I said, you don't like the rules? then go host a private server. Rules are bound to change as this alpha mod progresses, you just have to learn to deal with it. I too was very pissed at the removal of side chat, it's made my server pretty much die off.. but I choose to keep it running and not complain because complaining about it isn't going to do jack shit for you..
  6. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    Can enable Global/Side chat for all players?

    When you purchase/host a server you fully understand the rules going into it so why complain? if you don't like it don't get a server.. if you didn't realize what you can/cant do then why even buy a server so blindly?? WHERE'S YOUR LOGIC
  7. pepperkorn@gmail.com


    I think you're confused. BEC is a great tool for BattlEye, it's not BE itself. battleye gets turned on via your config. BEC connects through rcon and if set up correctly will work when you run it.
  8. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    Cheating Epidemic has forced me to close my server

    Too many "players" trying to be server admins, if you have a server, you shouldn't be complaining about trying to protect it because you'd rather play. I haven't played DayZ in over a month because it's a broken mod right now, but that hasn't stopped me from keeping tabs on my server, updating it, and doing my best to keep it hacker free.
  9. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    Vilayer or HFB

    Just get a VDS or Dedicated from whoever offers the cheapest one and don't even worry about managed servers.
  10. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    RevoZ - A DayZ Player Database

    Note: SQL Transactions will be slow until I can afford to upgrade my server. RevoZ is a small tool that runs on your server. Every hour it will scan your RPT file for logged player data. More specifically it scans their Login request to the hive. From there RevoZ will send that data to a central database hosted on my server. Currently only my DayZ server is being scanned but I'm now opening this up to those that request it. They will also receive a link to embed the data display on their website as well. Please post requests here. Changelog: Version 2 Updates: Paged listings Player Searching by Name Player Searching (GameTracker Search) Improvements to server side code & Scan software Planned features: Paged player list Sorting options Show players by item Visual load-out of items Also, I’m looking for someone good in ASP to help me out.
  11. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    RevoZ - A DayZ Player Database

    Adding a picture based representation of the inventory system. It will mimic the in-game inventory system.
  12. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    Best server Provider for DayZ

    Agreed, nothing like having a dedicated server with software to automatically update all your scripts.txt files, ban list, automatic restarts with fire daemon, BEC, and the ability to instantly run the latest beta clients.
  13. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    Best server Provider for DayZ

    *Submits support ticket to Vilayer* "Hey guys check out this sweet post I did about you, can I get a $10 discount on my server now?"
  14. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    Player Trying to spawn a dog?

    Typical DayZ Admin: *see's countless satchels in a matter of minutes* *WORRIES ABOUT DOG*
  15. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    RevoZ - A DayZ Player Database

    Well, I've decided to do a little work on this and base it towards server owners. I'll be adding "managed server" support later today but I want to show some progress to you all. Any server owner running this on their server and scanning their RPT files all gets pipped to my master database for everyone to look at. I plan on making a system that admins can also mark a player as "bad" or "hacking" or something of the like. As you can see this player has an AS-50 TWS. This would be grounds to mark him as "bad." The more server admins that mark him as bad the lower his standing would go and eventually his name will show red on the search list(possible feature?)
  16. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    RevoZ - A DayZ Player Database

    I could easily get this set up for managed servers. Perhaps I'll add a few modifications to it.. who knows. I've lost quite a bit of interest in DayZ lately tho.
  17. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    DayZ Commander Issue with HFB Servers?

    Have you even tried to connect to your server without a third party tool? -mod=@dayz_lingor_island;@dayz_lingor -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -nopause If that works and DayZ Commander doesn't well then...
  18. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    RevoZ - A DayZ Player Database

    I'll probably be closing this project soon due to the communities lack of interest.
  19. pepperkorn@gmail.com


    Actually, it was me. I got on your server the second you started it and stole every single vehicle, I then proceeded to hide them where you will never find them.. I get on every now and then just to make sure they never reset.
  20. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    DayZ Commander Issue with HFB Servers?

    Let me just take a wild guess that because your server isn't working correctly with DayZ Commander it's HFB's fault?
  21. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    Server Chat Commands 1.0

    I noticed either the BEC logging doesn't fully work or differences it beta patches my program doesn't always catch commands. I'll be looking into this and hopefully I can just bypass the need for BEC all together and grab the chat commands straight from rcon.
  22. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    Warning to SA's about the "DayZ AdminZ" forum.

    Somebody please give this man some beans.
  23. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    Warning to SA's about the "DayZ AdminZ" forum.

    Throwaway emails ftw, if you don't like the way I do things that's fine, don't use my shit. you're just proving my point about these forums.
  24. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    Warning to SA's about the "DayZ AdminZ" forum.

    I'm just saying... It's hard to take your site seriously and view it with respect if you don't show any to it's members.
  25. pepperkorn@gmail.com

    Group looking for a stable new home!

    You're welcome to check out US 1966. We've got a website pwnsro.org a public TS3 revoz.h4ck.me Our server is: Veteran runs the latest beta and DayZ Mod Fairly new Lots of friendly players Server time is Central [GMT-6] and restarts every 6 hours starting at midnight, runs on a dedicated box. It also runs some unique tools I develop.