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About aceadam

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. name: win Location: UK GUID: 47be3fa16d4f41c8e6f780bfe555e600
  2. i was only thinking like 10 Max Reserve slots on a 50 man server... so ya im not taking the whole server but its just a few slots cus me and a few friends are new.. we meet up with each other (which takes about 30 mins of running) to then go into anyplace (yes we have been in land) to get killed by either zombies or ppl... if i could at least select a place on the coast to spawn that would be aswome!
  3. Hmm that is intresting but how do we know if we can edit them files? ill have to get an admin to have alook at this Thanks!
  4. If im an admin of a server will i join even if a server is full? there isent allot of information that an admin can or cant do... So i can kick like 10 ppl off to let friends in? no rule says i cant..