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About Destory

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  1. Destory

    Looking to join a private server

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/98515-uk118-custom-anti-hax-100-cheater-free/ 100% hacker free!
  2. Hello, our server has been under development for over 1 month now, we can purely release to you guys that our server is 100% hacker free, come join, we only have 80 player slots ~ UK118 Administrator
  3. Destory


    I would try that but I don't want to lose my current rare items ingame on DayZ
  4. Destory


    Still doesn't work :/
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XABHL6ya2lA Eh help?
  6. Well, I'm about to purchase a game server from hfbservers.com & Well basically, I've seen many servers with side chat from hfbservers, & Well basically I'd like side chat, would they give it to me? or is this illegal to the terms of DayZ servers?
  7. Destory

    Side chat

    It's lonely, and cruel out there, you get shot by other survivor's, why? Because there's no chat to communicate with them. Without sidechat, it's basically playing single player...
  8. I'm new & looking for a team, I only use msn MSN: peanuthitz@hotmail.co.uk
  9. Hey guys, I'm sick and tired of not being able to talk with other's on other servers, does anyone know a server with public chat enabled? so if what's the name, thanks.