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About sturmfalkerda

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. good to hear haha!! if only he had spawned some ammo for it though....
  2. Theres a few scripts that allow you to spawn gear on everyone on the server, I played alot of arma 2 OA CO ACE ACRE and its pretty similar to the loadout editor the normal game allows..... I am still suprised that they got through the anti hack stuff though lolol
  3. I came back after 4 months today as I was on a server and everyones inventory got hit by a hacker.... I had a AS50 and tons of stuff that just appeared, including the large backpack, so I quickly disconnected but it somehow saved.... I didnt log back in because I did not want to be banned, I came back today and logged in, remembered that I had all this stuff.... am I safe? should I take everything and drop it on the ground? I even have toolboxes and gps with maps I thought they would have cleared everyones inventory by now.... **EDIT** to clear this up a bit the hacker thing was 4 months ago.... I also read that if a hacker spawns gear and you pick it up your dont have to worry about it.. as it was not your fault
  4. sturmfalkerda

    Why use tents?

    no, flat terrain -- bed of water... think man, think, if a man can put a sandbag in walls can he put a tent on a flat terrain underwater? LOLOLOLOL YES?
  5. Sounds fun, I think I will apply sometime....
  6. sturmfalkerda

    Simulating Morality?

    Guys, I had a War Vet with a Winchester in electro covering me and laying down fire on a sniper with a ak on the hospital rooftop, 5 people came together and we armed ourselves, there was even a guy with a melee weapon right behind the War Vet healing him if he got hit, I went and grabbed a markov from the body infront of me, he told me he would cover me while I went up and looted the building, so we did, I was yelling if I found any of his ammo, eventually I hear I see him popping up! I am going to take a shot! and then after that I offered to go check, so I climbed the ladder, I yelled WOHOO!! YOU GOT HIM!! over the mic, as I walked to the top of the roof of the hospital with a m1014 I found on someone, I asked him if he wanted any of the loot, he said he was fine, so I let the guy next to me get the gear, I asked him if he had a steam account, he said he didnt use it much, I was so completely awe struck, as in REALLY AWE STRUCK, that I forgot to ask for his email or anything, he said he kind of prefers to stay lone wolf, he will help if he can, he was a war vet for was it 7? or 14 years? I dont remember, he told me hes on this server often and he wouldnt shoot me inless I shot back, we where friends, he then walked out of electro...... I forgot the name of the server, Deus was his name, He has more morality then anyone on this forums does possibly, He was litterally sitting there right infront of a random person with a hatchet and a bunch of other people running around to get weapons, he trusted us, none of us let him down, most awesome memory ever I have had on DayZ, This is more encouragement to why I am not a bandit.... I like this idea, it would make GTA IV players be punished, like really punished for killing other players, like a 10 minute Screen shake or Shaking gun, That would help alot, we could possibly make it so if you or your around someone who gets a bandit kill, your stamina goes up max for a while, like max as in running or aiming without the bar going down from max for like 10 minutes....
  7. sturmfalkerda

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    haha could you guys get a teamspeak server up...?? would love to help you guys....
  8. sturmfalkerda

    1911 now a 4 shot kill?

    not a game, wow is a mmo, this is a skirmish based simulator with a minimod attached to it called DayZ, but on a more realistic note.. I had that problem last night, some servers have issues with the hive, hive issues are bad haha.. normally its a single shot
  9. sturmfalkerda

    Who doesn't kill non-lethal survivors?

    I was running out of cherno with a friend last night, we kind of avoided everyone, and thanks to the guy who didnt shoot us at the apartments, he was prone watching us in a doorway watching is flail about like morons trying to avoid his fire even though he wasnt shooting haha... he let us leave the town, again thanks to whoever that was, afterwords we went through a barn and started going down to the middle of a field.. I see a couple of guys on the hill going to where we where, one unarmed one armed.. my friend who is kind of like me, said what do we do? should we shoot? I told him no its not worth it, they seem friendly, because I saw that they where looking at us.... he understood, so we moved on, people are mostly friendly....
  10. sturmfalkerda

    Who doesn't kill non-lethal survivors?

    I had a SVD camo in my backpack a while back, it disapeered, but what I think happened was the guy I helped who kept looking at my backpack tried to get the SVD camo out, and tried to put it in his coyote, it got deleted.. haha.. to whoever that was thanks for deleting my SVD camo, no really, I had no ammo and I needed to store other stuff there.... I dont kill unarmed people Once I gave a unarmed guy a pistol without any ammo and walked out, he found ammo because I could hear him shooting zombies, its a good way to make sure you dont get killed after giving them a pistol or something....
  11. sturmfalkerda

    How well will this system run DayZ?

    yes and also guys Arma 2 FREE COMPLETELY MAKES YOU RUN IT ON LOW.. even if it says high its on low, I know this because I am running DayZ with Arma 2 FREE and Arma 2 OA.. I can set it to high and the only thing effected are a couple of OA gun models.... basicly detail models will be set low just like PMC.. if you had PMC your character would look awesome....
  12. sturmfalkerda

    Dog tags on survivors?

    Love the idea!! What about a list of people he helped like morphene and stuff..?? And you could always prevent bandits from picking up these if you want, but I think it would be pretty cool....
  13. sturmfalkerda

    Tense , paranoid, nervous wreck.. epic game.

    haha possibly me and my friend.. not shoot on sight players, what guns where we carrying..?? and if you notice theres less of that feeling with a friend around you....
  14. sturmfalkerda

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    If I where you, I would find ways to make things happen to your "friends" or "group" I have been in a couple of groups like that, I shoot the guy and try and bandage him, other guy walks up and hits him, I find it easy to walk away to a roof top close by. saying you have to go eat or something. anyways I will always be friendly, I met a kid by the balota airfield medical tents in a deerstand, I had no ammo and I knew I couldnt really fight back if he was not friendly, I was a bit new to the game, I started yelling "Hey! friendly!" thinking he was shooting at me, I realised he was shooting at zombies, I started pointing out directions and locations of zombies to him, I then ran up to one of the other deerstands, to my suprise he walked up and climbed up it and stared at me, I had my ak47 and he had his m4a1 acog camo he just looted and picked up and I asked if he needed any ammo.. he said if you have any sure, I noticed a ak47 mag in his pack, I asked if we could trade, he said sure, m4a1 for ak47 mag, we then teamed up and went all the way to cherno, in cherno we met up with his brother in a hail of gunshots, hail as in markovs revolvers dmrs all kinds of stuff.. my big group had logged off later and a couple of guys still where on, he had a DMR and was giving me locations and stuff, we where flared and grenaded, but we only passed out, His brother came and saved both of us.... as it turned out he told me his bother was telling him to shoot me because everyone else is a bandit on the game, I am glad I am steam friends with them now.. I will never stop being a friendly person....
  15. sturmfalkerda

    Who's Playing Guitar In Cherno?

    haha.. that sounds awesome, friend of mine plays guitar pretty well, we could start a band complete with wierd singing people! haha! if you want you could pm me your steam name and I could add you....