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About ramazoti

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. ramazoti

    Rocket please i want Investegation

    suck my deck assholes .. mother fuckers all of you are piece of shit ... _!_
  2. all this hackers all this glitchy stuff inside this mod making it really silly .. the hackers still playing and playing and the ppl who don't do any thing they got banned .. nice glitch rocket .. if i can i'll post this in rocket front head that every one see him read this silly post ..
  3. yeah really try to be baned from a game u love to play every day more than 6h and u got banned without doing any thing .. i want to post it in rocket head even .. i'm fuckin pissed off.
  4. ramazoti

    Global Ban

    After reading this replay from one of good guys here maybe i start to understand why i have been banned .. Posted Today, 04:08 PM No one here knows if you're innocent or not, and I doubt anyone actually cares. You're also posting it in the wrong thread. Go make a new one, in the right place. Fill as much details as possible. The server you were on, the time, what you had on you etc. BE does NOT just ban for no reason, this is why people believe you to be guilty. You may have hacked out right, all hackers claim they didn't. You may have picked up some hacked items/weapons and used them. You may have unknowingly downloaded a dodgy program You used facebook and BE banned you in disgust for using this piece of shit. There might even be an error in the whole process, but guess what, NONE of us here, will know. The thing is, 99 times out of 100 those banned are hackers, I would even go as far to say 999 out of 1000. Numbers pulled out my ass but even so, their a likely figure. Go post in the right place. thank you Izziee so let's start from beginig .. i found a Heli in DE 545 server and i started to repair it and i was collecting the scrapmetal and other stuff i put some in the heli and i went to collect more i stopped playing case my squad leader wanted me in our server to setup some camps so i left every thing and i went to help him after the mission was accomplished i returned back to DE 545 to work again with my heli .. i didn't found it so some one take it so i was so aware that there is some one else in the area so i found 2 players i took them with my M4 SSD and i wait a little bit and i found a 3rd player i took him out too after a while i start to move to check the bodies i found another 2 bodies i think that the players i killed already killed them .. so i revenged for this 2 players i start to loot all the bodies and i found a new weapon i never saw it before it was LA85 A2 i took it from one of the bodies and as always after looting a body i hide all of them not to let anyone else loot them even the owners of the bodies. i found the PVX and slow boat i took the PVX and i moved out with PVX .. that was all what happend yesterday to day i was trying to make my android tablet working with my PC as 2nd monitor and i tried the new gun it's awsom but i didn't kill any thing with it till now just a pig to eat.. as i said i loged out and in so many times trying the settings for my tablet PC as a 2nd monitor till it worked and when i decided to play i found the global ban .. this is what happend from A till Z.. Any Idea why i got the ban ??
  5. After reading this replay from one of good guys here maybe i start to understand why i have been banned .. Posted Today, 04:08 PM No one here knows if you're innocent or not, and I doubt anyone actually cares. You're also posting it in the wrong thread. Go make a new one, in the right place. Fill as much details as possible. The server you were on, the time, what you had on you etc. BE does NOT just ban for no reason, this is why people believe you to be guilty. You may have hacked out right, all hackers claim they didn't. You may have picked up some hacked items/weapons and used them. You may have unknowingly downloaded a dodgy program You used facebook and BE banned you in disgust for using this piece of shit. There might even be an error in the whole process, but guess what, NONE of us here, will know. The thing is, 99 times out of 100 those banned are hackers, I would even go as far to say 999 out of 1000. Numbers pulled out my ass but even so, their a likely figure. Go post in the right place. thank you Izziee so let's start from beginig .. i found a Heli in DE 545 server and i started to repair it and i was collecting the scrapmetal and other stuff i put some in the heli and i went to collect more i stopped playing case my squad leader wanted me in our server to setup some camps so i left every thing and i went to help him after the mission was accomplished i returned back to DE 545 to work again with my heli .. i didn't found it so some one take it so i was so aware that there is some one else in the area so i found 2 players i took them with my M4 SSD and i wait a little bit and i found a 3rd player i took him out too after a while i start to move to check the bodies i found another 2 bodies i think that the players i killed already killed them .. so i revenged for this 2 players i start to loot all the bodies and i found a new weapon i never saw it before it was LA85 A2 i took it from one of the bodies and as always after looting a body i hide all of them not to let anyone else loot them even the owners of the bodies. i found the PVX and slow boat i took the PVX and i moved out with PVX .. that was all what happend yesterday to day i was trying to make my android tablet working with my PC as 2nd monitor and i tried the new gun it's awsom but i didn't kill any thing with it till now just a pig to eat.. as i said i loged out and in so many times trying the settings for my tablet PC as a 2nd monitor till it worked and when i decided to play i found the global ban .. this is what happend from A till Z.. Any Idea why i got the ban ??
  6. ramazoti

    Global Ban

    it just did
  7. ramazoti

    Global Ban

    silly and u're not funny
  8. ramazoti

    Global Ban

    really this is too much any way i'll send to batteleye thanx for believing me and communicating like adults i'm 34 years old and i love to play fair.. anyway i don't need you all to believe me i know my self and i know i didn't do any hack or cheat since i played this game..
  9. ramazoti

    Global Ban

    why you all fucking don't belive me i didn't do any thing i was @ the lobby and i was ALT-Tab and i was in facebook
  10. ramazoti

    Global Ban

    i swear to god i didn't do any thing i was just in a lobby of the server DE 545 and i alt-tab in Facebook to chat with friend when i alt-tab back i found this fucking massage
  11. ramazoti

    Global Ban

    no i didn't cheat
  12. ramazoti

    Global Ban

    i don't understant why and what is this but i can't play now???? i've been kicked out of any server batteleye global ban #275f ??? i'm not a hacker and i didn't do any thing wrong since i start to play dayz Ram
  13. ramazoti

    Heli Experts

    i think it more than 5 scrap metal evry thing red took 3 already
  14. ramazoti

    Heli Experts

    i've every thing in green but my glass is broken so i'll check and feed you back thany guys