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Everything posted by ninjaderpify

  1. I'm rarely a bandit, but damn when the opportunity arises I have a dark side:
  2. ninjaderpify

    Ninja Derpify's DayZ Co-op Adventures! [VIDEO SERIES]

    I get ya, I haven't done that since then :) Episode 10: ATV? Mmmmmaybe
  3. ninjaderpify

    Car doing a wheelie!

    So we were driving along and approach a hill, we wheelied for long enough for me to hit record haha.
  4. ninjaderpify

    Ninja Derpify's DayZ Co-op Adventures! [VIDEO SERIES]

    Woah man, I really appreciate that, thank you! Episode 9: Apartment Raid Stress!
  5. ninjaderpify

    Ninja Derpify's DayZ Co-op Adventures! [VIDEO SERIES]

    Episode 8: Grenade Assault! @ Hombre: Yeah when I watched the footage back I could clearly hear what he was saying, but while we were playing we could not understand. I'm not sure why that is, maybe a sound balance change in the game or something. As for the murder, yeah it was wrong and I did feel bad after it :( I haven't murdered anyone since though :) @ daspope: Thanks man, great to hear you like them :) Thanks for subscribing, you're awesome!
  6. ninjaderpify

    Ninja Derpify's DayZ Co-op Adventures! [VIDEO SERIES]

    Episode 7: We Can Do This! Night Time Airfield
  7. Hope this helps some people out :)
  8. ninjaderpify

    Ninja Derpify's DayZ Co-op Adventures! [VIDEO SERIES]

    Episode 6: Airfield? Headshot!
  9. ninjaderpify

    DayZ Commander Update Problem

    I just had errors trying to update dayz. So I used commander to install the latest arma 2 beta and the latest commander version, after the program restarted it downloads dayz fine. TL;DR Update dayz commander, should fix issue.
  10. ninjaderpify

    Ninja Derpify's DayZ Co-op Adventures! [VIDEO SERIES]

    Ep.5 Stranger Crashes Our Car :o This guy was super quick to go full retard mode and crash the car we picked him up in, he was a random stranger. Oh well haha
  11. ninjaderpify

    Ninja Derpify's DayZ Co-op Adventures! [VIDEO SERIES]

    Ep.4 - Bicycles And ATV Wreckages!
  12. ninjaderpify

    Ninja Derpify's DayZ Co-op Adventures! [VIDEO SERIES]

    Ep.3 - Betrayal of a Stranger!
  13. ninjaderpify

    Ninja Derpify's DayZ Co-op Adventures! [VIDEO SERIES]

    At the start? I think once I get blooded up it goes away, let me know.
  14. ninjaderpify

    Ninja Derpify's DayZ Co-op Adventures! [VIDEO SERIES]

    woops, tried editing but I quoted, how do i delete this? sorry!
  15. ninjaderpify


    I've played this! Have my own video on it too, I freak out in all horror games so yeah: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=535XkkC41m0 Also along the lines of slenderman, I also have a video of another game called "Slenderman" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TbnEGMmnrw