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Everything posted by starwarsfan@gmx.de

  1. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Scripted Activity Animations

    If anything wouldn't stress make you more clumsy instead of just faster?
  2. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Stealth kills

    As for stealth kill animation ala BF3: On the other hand, a way to grab someone and holding them would be nice but only if they can actually fight that and will be able to get themselves free somehow. If anyone ever played Metal Gear Solid 4, that be some nice moves, that could not only be used to kill someone but also rob someone. One person sneaks up on the target, grabs him and a second pserson could then search the targets pockets.
  3. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Scripted Activity Animations

    Makes sense. Rocket did say they will be reworking the animations, didn't he? I sure hope they'll do this. I don't want a magic inventory where weapons just magically appear into and disappear out of your hands. I really love the idea of actually removing the backpack from your back to get something out or put something in. It just adds a whole new layer to the immersion.
  4. Where can I read this supposed 'lore'?All I've ever seen is what'S written on the first page of this website. Feel free to link me to this 'lore' you're speaking of. I don't see how there is room for anysort of NPC's flying in a helicopter crashing.
  5. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Lock-On Rocket Launchers

    You're really going to carry around with you a 'Lock-On Rocket Launcher' for the off chance that you run into someone flying a helicopter above your head?
  6. The last thing DayZ needs is NPC characters.
  7. The problem is, that currenty all the excitement is created by player interaction and it should stay that way. I want less actualy scripted event's where something pre-programmed happens - that should be reserved for player interaction - and more just stuff you stuble upon that tell's it's story just from looking at it.Besides, from what I've seen of this game it is set long after the apocalypse has hit and there shouldn't be any more helicopters flying about, controlled by AI soldiers. The only ones left are the survivors, which are acutal people(the so called 'player').
  8. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Possible solution to "New spawn I don't care attitude"

    I sure hope so.
  9. I'm not sure wether it's such a good idea. While at the moment you clearly know it's time to bail when you hear a helicopter(as you know that's a player and most likely not very friendly), you'd always have to wonder wether it's the crashing helicopter event or actually a player with a helicopter. I'm all for adding more random events(I made a topic about that myself a while back) but nothing that involves something that usually is reserved for players.
  10. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Possible solution to "New spawn I don't care attitude"

    Mabye just make all spawn points equally shitty and remove Cherno/Elektro spawn completly
  11. I've seen better concepts for Identification. Character customization is something that is probably coming with the standalone at one point or another, it's a frequently requested feature and a very logical one at that. It could help a lot with the identification problem, along with more variance in clothing. Being forced to play with the same Nickname/Face doesn't sit right with me and it kinda contradicts the whole 'perma death' scenario because you're forced to be the same person after death. I think you should have to create a new character each time you die, that includes choosing a new name. But I like the idea of being able to hide your face and avoiding identification that way.
  12. starwarsfan@gmx.de


    A ballon would probably be a method for a post apocalyptic society, but I don't think we're there yet. With still enough fuel and functional vehicles around it wouldn't make a lot of sense.
  13. starwarsfan@gmx.de


    It's pointless to ask for something that's already coming? Rocket already said there will be a lot more diseases going around.
  14. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    What you guys should really be concerned about

    Rocket already said he will not force anysort of storytelling down the players throat. There will be clues spread thru out the game about what happened but that's probably it. For endgame, it's really up to the player. To me the endgame would be setting up some sort of actual town with people living there. Some people acting as scavengers supplying the town, others as policemen keeping the town safe and stuff like that, basically just recreating some sort of civilization. We can do that already, though it needs a lot of imagination. All rocket really needs to do os give us more stuff to work with and then we can create our own 'end game' scenarios.
  15. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Some kind of helper reward system

    Oh boy, believe whatever you want man. Pretty pathetic if you ask me. Why don't you just get yourself a Hero skin and try it yourself. :rolleyes:
  16. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Some kind of helper reward system

    Oh my god, seriously? Sure I guess I just hacked the one my hero skin is wearing in. lolQuoted from the wiki: Players who become Heroes also gain the perk of being able to run slightly faster than Survivors and Bandits(before panting, then they run at similiar speeds, so heroes make good short range sprinters). They also have a bullet resistant vest that will block most low calibre bullets such as makarov or m9 rounds.
  17. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Some kind of helper reward system

    LOL. Right. It's a thing of my imagination. <.<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballistic_vest
  18. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Some kind of helper reward system

    What? Sense... you make none.
  19. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Some kind of helper reward system

    In the act of rewarding one playstyle, in this case the Hero one, you punish the others because they don't get those advantages.The game is supposed to be a hardcore simulation of a post-apocalyptic survival, so there should be no 'magical reward' system. In a world that is displayed in DayZ there is no reason to be friendly and there are no systems in place to punish murder and other crimes because civilization as we know it was destroyed. The whole thing about doing good deeds should not be about some kind of artificial reward. It should be about recreating a civilized world and the act of helping itself. You should not be discouraged to be a bandit because you have to worry about your loot drop being decreased or inferior to that of someone who's a hero. At the moment you are already rewarded for being a good guy through the Hero outfit, which features a bullet proof vest and a higer run speed.
  20. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Suggestion for Combat Logging

    Alright, I can understand your reasoning there and I've seen that suggested before and I think it's pretty much the only solution I can see actually working. Though that really doesn't stop people from just pulling the plug because you really can't punish people for losing connection. But I guess not many people would go through such length to escape a shoot out, might be easier to just bail.
  21. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Suggestion: Zombie damage should greatly increase

    Even in the summariized one there is a whole section about the Zombie behaviour.
  22. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Suggestion for Combat Logging

    What exactly do you even consider 'combat-logging' and how do you dertermin when someone did it?
  23. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Utes - Deathmatch style gameplay?

    On a serious note, if they ever make the standalone open for modding I can see this happening but for the vanilla version... it just isn't what this game intends to be like. It's supposed to be sruvival and not deathmatch.
  24. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Suggestion: Zombie damage should greatly increase

    LOL; no you haven't read any suggestions if you say something like that because it's one of the most discussed topics out there.
  25. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Suggestion for Combat Logging

    You want my character to stay in the game ten minutes after I've logged out? Are you serious? That's just plain stupid, I'll find my character killed everytime I log back on because someone stumbled upon it after I logged out? No, thank you.