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Everything posted by starwarsfan@gmx.de

  1. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    What the Standalone needs - atmosphere (Namalsk)

    I never found zombies to be particularly scary and I certainly wouldn't be running around screaming in a zombie apocalypse, that's the worst thing you could be doing.I have to agree that the Zombies in that Video actually look good, but we're dealing with so called 'Infected' in DayZ and not the reanimated dead. But the animations of the 'infected' will be much better in the standalone, they're making completly new ones for that.
  2. starwarsfan@gmx.de


    Easily one of the worst ideas ever.
  3. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Survivor Zombies

    Uhm... you do know what Anti-Biotics are?Besides your buddies aren't coughing because they were hit by zombies. You get a cold if your temperature is too low for a certain amount of time, that's how you get that cough it has nothing to do with the zombies. MAybe you should watch a few interviews with Rocket(the developer of DayZ), he said himself that the survivors are immune. I think he should know what he's talking about since he made the game. :rolleyes:
  4. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    We declare our style game to limit the kill wild?

    It simply goes against the principles this games is based on.
  5. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Survivor Zombies

    That's because players are immune.
  6. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    [Outer Heaven] Currently working on a new DayZ map

    I can suggest Rocket dress up like a chicken for Halloween too doesn't mean it belongs into the suggestion forum. What he is/was suggesting is creating a map for DayZ, that nothing that concerns the development of DayZ. It's user created content and should be the 'Private Hive Section' if you ask me because it has absolutly nothing to do with 'vanilla' DayZ. I guess you think people should post their suggestions about what to change about Lingor Island and the other Maps in this section here as well. Sure why not, totaly relevant! :rolleyes:
  7. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Playing with Friends?

    Uhm... isn't that what would happen now if you spawn with 6 people on a server? There aren't that many spawn points on the map so the chance that at least a few of the group would be spawning with someone else would be quite large.If anything I think once the map is larger you should be able to choose a rough area to spawn in for example wether you want to spawn on the south coast, the east coast or somewhere up north(if they add spawn points there). So you'd at least have a better chance to find each other because you spawn somewhere near eachother, but don't have the advantage of just immediatly being teamed up at spawn. Just my two cents.
  8. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    New Player Attribute System for DayZ

    Always with the sanity... no we are not going to punish banditry/KoS. How can it be that people still haven't gotten the memo yet? Besides, you don't become insane just because you killed some people and you certainly don't start seeing stuff out of the blue. And what the heck is up with 'large amount of sanity' giving perks? Ignoring the point that it's even more stupid that starting to see things because you killed a couple of people... you cannot be more sane than sane, you either are sane or you're not there is no increase to that. Also... the health system is already getting an overhaul.
  9. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Fat Zombies & Bitchin' Customizable Hairdos

    Because in a post-apocalyptic dooms day you need to make sure your hair sits perfectly.
  10. starwarsfan@gmx.de


    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/97659-consolidated-weaponsequipment-suggestions/ That's the thread you should be looking at.
  11. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    PVP turns you into a BANDIT

    Don't feed the troll.
  12. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Clothing System ("stat" affected; for standalone)

    Rocket has already said he'd like the idea of 'useful' clothing like rain coats, but they might have the disadvantage that they're easier to spot becasue it's a shiny organge and stuff like that. I don't think different colthing should affect your movement, it's really just minimal and you barely notice that.
  13. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Zombie War or Survivors War?

    Enough whining about this already and you're not even making a suggestion either. Just crying about KoS doesn't help. The problem is worse now because of all the hacking and the overall problem that there simply is nothing to do after you're geared up. Why not wait at least the few weeks until Standalone and see if it is still the same there, then you can come back and complain about it again but please do so not in the suggestion section but rather in the general section. We'd like to be constructive here, thank you.
  14. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Some general Ideas

    You're contradicting yourself there. Going by what you say Rocket would have to add skill points and xp because they are frequently suggested.Though that's besides the point because Rocket has made it clear that he will not give into popular demand, but will rather create the game HE wants it to be. So he will only add things HE likes which in turn means it's better to have a few threads with well thought out ideas that have a good discussion going on with everyone pitching in their ideas then the same stupid ideas popping up all the time.
  15. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Some general Ideas

    Actually you're english is better than that of most people posting here, same goes for the structure of your post. The only problem I have with it is the content.
  16. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Some general Ideas

    This thread is basically a summary of ideas already suggested and a bad one at that. Welcome to the Forum, the search this that way -> SEARCH
  17. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    [Outer Heaven] Currently working on a new DayZ map

    Wrong forum? This really isn't a suggestion for DayZ... Also Wall of Text much?
  18. starwarsfan@gmx.de


    Modifing weapons is already confirmed as far as I know, same as gun conditions(gun jamming, having to clean the gun, ect). The other stuff is just too far out.
  19. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    A few things

  20. starwarsfan@gmx.de


    You're not suggesting anything new, that's all been suggested before and making 4 threads about it doesn't change the fact that it's a bad idea either.
  21. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Clothing, Apparel

    There really is no need to ressurect this topic, a more in depth clothing system is already been confrimed to be planned for the standalone by Rocket himself. There won't be any need for 'skins' and you'll be able to fully customize your look with things you find.
  22. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Adding The MGL

    How is adding this going to make the game any better?!
  23. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Different voice levels when talking or typing

    For typing I can see a reason to add this but for simple voice, it should just register how loud I speak and translate into how far that would be heard ingame. I have no clue how it currently works in Arma 2 but at least with the ACRE mod for example you have a certain distance your voice travels and the closer you are to the person speaking the louder it is and vice versa.
  24. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Adding The MGL

    Why... seriously why? Who'd use a grenade launcher in a zombie apocalypse?! Are you the same guy that suggested adding a lock-on rocket launcher? WHY?! I'm all for varity of weapons but not this. I can't stop thinking WHY?!
  25. Well, so much for your 'read the lore!!!'... there is nothing you could call 'lore' for DayZ. Because that would imply that there is still civilization out there. My picture of DayZ is that it takes place when everything has gone to shit and only few are left, there are no organized groups out there other than the ones created by other players.There really is no point in arguing any further, we should agree to disagree on this point.