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Everything posted by starwarsfan@gmx.de

  1. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Cessna Airplane as new Vehicle

    Mabye once we have the bigger map with Chernaru Plus they might be somewhat useful, but even then their uses would be very limite. Though I guess the more choices you have, the better so I don't really see any point that would speak against putting them in. Shouldn't be too much work to port them over.
  2. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Hosting DayZ from within the S.A.

    The problem is rather that it's not the way the game is meant to be played. Sure I'd like to play with only my friends from time to time but after a while it just gets boring without the thrill of unknown players on the server. But I guess, so long as it's not connected to the Official Hive I don't really see what should speak against it. I can imagine it being quite stressful for your connection and pc though. A lot of people even have problems with hosting a simple Minecraft Server for more than a handfull of people.
  3. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    This is your story

    Wow... worst idea ever? This might even be worse than the random artillery strikes idea.Micro-transactions are what's wrong with the gaming industry these days. I can't believe people actually like the idea of having to buy stuff that should be in the game anyway. I'm sorry if I come off a little sharp but DLC is a thing of the devil in my opinion. <.<
  4. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Female Zombies

    What's with the necrophilia? I mean, do you really care wether it's a man or a woman zombie you shoot unless you're planning on defiling the corpse? Anyway, I'm sure they will include them in the standalone sooner or later. As for Zombie Kids... I can live without that.
  5. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    DayZ siginicant change....

    And here I though you couldn't possibly sink any deeper. Guess I was wrong.Of course my response has been negative, how else do I express my 'negativity'(me not liking them) towards your suggestions? That's just.. like... your opinion man... <- like a wiser fellow than myself once said Well I have no idea who that is but I'm sure your comparison falls flat in any regard. Not sure where I have 'insulted' anyone but I certainly haven't insulted you, not intentionally but instults are a very fickle thing. I'm not a lickspittle, I say/write what I think and I don't care wether it hurts your feelings or not. Of course you naturally couldn't go without another internet stigma. Everyone who's got a different view than me, either has no 'social life' or is a kid. Because I mean, kid's and social cripples opinions are invalid anyway. Yay me! I'm so superior!Thank you for your contribution to the interwebs!
  6. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    DayZ siginicant change....

    Uhm... I never said the system isn't flawed, don't know where you get that. I only said your suggestion doesn't change a thing. And claiming 'people want this' doesn't make it true. Maybe that's what you want, but I'm sure there are many others that do not want that.Oh and using the good old 'get a live' or 'you don't have friends' trying to insult someone is just making you look bad really.
  7. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    DayZ siginicant change....

    Uhm.. the mod is not going to be supported anymore. At least not as much, it's been given over to the community to develop further if I've understood that correctly. Maybe for future reference you should refer to the Mod as 'DayZ Mod' because 'DayZ' is supposed to refer to the standalone. Again if you'd have done some research you might have known that and avoided this 'misunderstanding.And I still claim that your second suggestion about the humanity system makes no sense. It's exactly the same and provides absolutly no solution to the problem.
  8. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    DayZ siginicant change....

    There won't be any 'suits' in the standalone as I understand it, clothing system is being worked on and your character will be fully customizable. Shirts, pants, everything will have individual items you can wear, so no more 'suits' or at least they won't be the main thing hopefully. Rockets ultimate goal is to have no UI whatsoever, so don't worry about that. DayZ is foremost a Survival Simulation, the 'Zombies' are just there to make the thing a bit more interesting. The game is really what the people make it and that is currently a PvP Deathmatch and to be honest, there really isn't much else to do at the moment. The Standalone will hopefully change that. That really makes no sense at all. What you're suggesting is the same as the humanity system now but simply that you can choose wether you start as a bandit or not and that you're turned into a bandit immediatly when you kill someone instead of ahving to kill multiple people. By the way, the humanity system is also being reworked and maybe even going to be abandoned in the standalone.Would you have bothered to do some research you might have found out about that yourself.
  9. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Suggestion for a new death screen

    I actually like the 'You are Dead' screen and how simple it is. The one suggested certainly gives away too much info on the killer.
  10. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Gore. Gore. WE NEED GORE!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umDr0mPuyQcThe exploding heads is really stupid, that's something I really didn't like about Fallout New Vegas. It's just too much. I can go with blowing limbs off of Zombies, but not Players. That'd be just rediculous. I can already see the trolls shooting your legs of just for the lulz. Just stupid.
  11. I really don't see the point and I'd much more prefer the idea of being able to 'modifi' your weapon in a somewhat different manner. Someone suggested being able to carve 'notches' into your weapon as a sort of 'kill-count' but I thought it might be even better if you had a free hand in what you 'notch' into your gun. Maybe you carve in your name, or if you're skilled even a skull or something like that. Of course that'd be prone to abuse as well, but seriously what isn't these days?
  12. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Decrease number of psychopaths with Karma system

    You can't really do anything against that 'play style', at least I can't think of anything. If you have an idea, please tell me.Pre-made groups consisting of people who know eachother outside of the game will always tend to exclude outsiders. The things that are being implemented though are rather ment to discourage the Kill On Sight mentality and encourage teaming up of solo players. I think there really is no perfect solution, there never is.
  13. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    blind login to servers

    I prefer to play on low populated servers, I don't like to get shot every five minutes. Also you could constantly end up on completely empty servers and if you exclude them it'd be way to easy to just join an empty server and farm items.
  14. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Climbing through Windows

    Makes sense. I'd really like to be able to do more stuff like that, for example being able to climb off a balcony in the 1st floor and let yourself down from there or if you've got a buddy with you do it the other way around and let him 'boost you up' to the balcony and let you get into the building in that way.
  15. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Decrease number of psychopaths with Karma system

    The only way to prevent the whole 'killing for fun' thing is by providing incentives to team up. Besides, most of the killing that happens now-a-days is simply because of boredom, as there is simply nothing else to do once you know the map better than the back of your hand and have all the gear one could possibly be needing. Things that could be done and that have already been suggested: need more people to repair vehicles, a more indepth health system that incluedes things that cannot be overcome alone, simply more content overall... People simply need to be worth more alive than dead to you. For example they could add places someone cannot enter alone, maybe you need someone to uve you 'a boost up' to that ledge or stuff like that.
  16. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    New ideas for classes

    This idea is nowhere near 'new' I've seen more than plenty of threads with the exact same basic idea except the other ones are not quite as bad as yours.
  17. starwarsfan@gmx.de


    Should I quote you what he replied to my post again? lolHe called me a douche directly, I don't see how that's created in my head. Maybe you should stop making things up in your head? I state my honest opinion. I'm sure that's something you're incapable of doing. I'm not obliged to do more. As if I would give a rats ass about what people on the internet think about me.
  18. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Zombies should be able to bleed out.

    Complete and utter bullshit. You're contradicting yourself. Just because you can't comprehend the reasons doesn't mean it's 'unrealistic'.
  19. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Had this idea only a few minutes ago. -Standalone-

    Why can't people seem to be able to come up with acutal Thread Titles that relate to what the Thread is about? Also been suggested along with a list of other things that should be animated: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/101681-scripted-activity-animations/
  20. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    fullscreen windowed mode

    I agree.
  21. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Zombies should be able to bleed out.

    Okay, so why does 'the wound closing due to clotting' make no sense? It doesn't mean there is no blood flow at all, just that wounds close up fast.Zombies and Infected don't make a lot of sense to begin with and most people thing they should be made harder to deal with and not easier.
  22. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Zombies should be able to bleed out.

    It really depends on how Rocket intends the virus to work. In regular zombies for example the virus clots the blood so zombies don't bleed, or at least not as much as they should. The same could be true for the infected. I just don't think it should be that easy to kill them.
  23. starwarsfan@gmx.de


    No, you obviously don't. All you want is positiv feedback, as soon as someone says that your idea is bad you go crying about how they are a 'douche' or how immature they are. The truth though is that you, same as many other people who post on this section of the forum just can't handle negative feedback.Also I'm not going to write a 500 word essay on a suggestion that is bad for very obvious reasons. I might have a lot of time on my hands but I'm cerntainly not going to spent them doing that. Maybe next time you think before you post an idea? Thank you.
  24. Most of those are garbage the other ones are already being worked on for the standalone or have already been suggested in more well though out threads.
  25. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Improved infection system.

    They are infected living people, not reanimated dead.