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Everything posted by starwarsfan@gmx.de

  1. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    City names

    Agreed.Besides it destroying the immersion, it's not necessary as there are signs in most of the towns with their names on it. Open your eyes.
  2. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    What I want DayZ to be like

    lol, you should stop blending out parts of what I said. Read my first post again and tell me wether I said 'No, your ideas are shitty and make it like wow!'. I can assure you I did not. I said the part of your ideas that have the whole 'WoW/MMORPG vibe' about them, I'm not a big fan of.
  3. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Improvised items - Medieval(ish) cuirass

    lol, 20-60 kilos at most? You think that's not a lot to carry? You should try wearing that over a long period of time. Add to that another 30kg of supplies in a backpack and you'll be dead on the floor crying how you can't go on after 30min of walking. Unless of course you're some kind of super athlete or super solider.
  4. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Suggestion: Megaphone

    I don't see how that improves your point. Besides, where on earth would you get your hands on a anti-material rifle or for that matter why would you even want such a gun in the first place?
  5. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    What I want DayZ to be like

    That's why I said 'one of those' refering to WoW. <.< And your ideas with the whole 'Exp/Lvl/SpecialAbilities' would turn it into one of those MMORPGs.
  6. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Improvised items - Medieval(ish) cuirass

    How is that little piece of armour supposed to help against a zombie? Not sure if you've ever seen a zombie movie, but the first thing that gets attacked/bitten are all the limbs and not the torso.
  7. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Add an option to filter the server list by the server's in game time of day.

    You do realise that goes against why the day/night cycle was implemented in the first place?
  8. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Suggestion: Megaphone

    It's the zombie apocalypse... what do you do? Yell into a megaphone that carries your voice across half a kilometer. Great idea... you sir, would die in a matter of minutes.
  9. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Slower movement when laying prone

    Always with this argument... in real life i can shoot people behind me over my shoulder or by shooting through my legs. Do I want that in the game? Meh... not really. Also: That's nonsene as well. If I want to shoot someone behind me while prone, I can just roll over onto my back and pop him in the head. No need to 'slowly shuffle around' to change your angle. And while we're at it, who in their right mind would crawl on the floor for miles and miles?Games will never be realistic, you just have to make some sacrafices for playability. Until we get true VR that is, of course. :P
  10. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    What I want DayZ to be like

    Not a big fan of the whole WOW part of your ideas. This is not one of those MMORPGs, next thing you will be asking for meaningless quests.
  11. starwarsfan@gmx.de


    The Player killing is a huge part of the game and is what actually makes the game so exciting. The zombies aren't the real threat, the other survivors are. BUT the Player killing has gotten out of hand, in my opinion and I agree that there should be consequences for killing other players. What that should be though, I'm not quite sure. Also, loosing everything you had when you die is what makes this game so different. It makes you feel that dieing has severe consequences and so makes you want to survive at every cost - which might be one of the reasons for the whole player killing thing.
  12. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    And I thought that was a bug.
  13. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Now im a Bandit?

    I usually help out people I meet, but for the most part I try to avoid them if I see them first and they haven't seen me yet. I've had some bad experiences with people but for the most part the people I meet are reasonable. Can't agree to the whole 'everyone on DayZ is out to kill you' mentality.