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Everything posted by starwarsfan@gmx.de

  1. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    bigger and stronger zombies in nort

    I must agree with Mr. Abaddon there, you fail to see what the zombie genre is really all about. Though I guess many people only see the splatter/horror side.
  2. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    American Weapons and Russian Weapons

    Do you live in the 80's?
  3. starwarsfan@gmx.de


    lol, i totally had to think of Metal Gear Solid 3 there. Also... I want crocodile hats! ^_^
  4. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Commodity Wars

    Uhm... not really a fan of this idea. What I could see though is some sort of agricultural system added for some sort of 'endgame'. I kind of like the idea of a finite loot spawn where the server will eventually run out of loot to spawn at which point you will be forced to create, rather than simply loot. In a way this might support the building of groups or communities, because you will have to work together to survive. Like having to grow your own food, scavenge metal and other things to make your own bullets, etc. pp. the possibilities are endless.
  5. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Well whats left to do?

    You people do realise this 'game' is still in development, right?
  6. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Standalone retail reduction for players

    Not this again... And no, you did not buy the game already. You bough Arma 2, which is a great and complete fully fledged game in itself. If you bought it for a mod... well that's you own god damned fault. You knew what you were getting (or at least you should have, if you posses any common sense at all which you probably don't). Also, the game will be sold in beta stage for a reduced cost anyway, just like minecraft was, so what the heck is your problem?
  7. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    One character per server?

    I have thought about this myself a lot and I tend to think it would be better if you had a new character on every Server. Firstly this would of course stop the server hopping and ghosting issues but that's not the main reason I like the idea. Instead, what I think this would do is create a more beliveable and consistant world where you are more or less 'forced' to play on one particular Server. This in turn makes people become regulars on certain servers, which creates a consistant community where players will survive together or against each other. While you cannot just simply join an empty server gear up and head over to a full server and start the killing, hop to the next to find more unexpecting victims, you will be forced to deal with the people on that server and they have to deal with you. Eventually word might even spread around about that one bandit, making him infamous among survivors. Some might even team up to hunt him others flock to his cause and become bandits. I know this is kind of a romanticised vision of what DayZ could be like but, I think this is what DayZ should be like. This though, in my opinion, would only work with some sort of 'official' servers that would have to be well maintained and a much larger map as well as player number. Also for the sake of not being 'stuck' on one server there could be an option to transfer your character to another server with a limited amount of transfers within a certain period of time, for example once every 24 hours. Just my two cents.
  8. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Clothing sets as rewards for past feats

    I don't like this idea at all. This game is about survival and not 'what do I need to do to get this cool outfit'. If anything your clothes should be fully customizable and 'special' looks only found ingame as 'loot'.
  9. starwarsfan@gmx.de


    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/87570-should-we-remove-barbed-wire-in-the-next-update/ You're welcome.
  10. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Dynamic zombies spawn rates

    I really like the idea but I'm not sure how this could really be acomplished with the current hive set up. Firstly I think for something like what you're describing the map would need to be even bigger, with more players. Secondly the hive poses a problem in the sense that you can just simply jump from one server to another and never stay on the same one for a longer period of time which makes a truly persistent and consistent world with persistent groups hard to achive. This is somewhat more achivable in the private hive set-up as your character only exists on that one server which forces you to keep playing on that one server because other wise you lose your character and all the progress you made with it. I love the idea of meta-gaming, as you described it and I hope it will be somewhere down the road for DayZ but with server hopping and the current hive set-up I don't see how it could work out quite like that.
  11. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Suicide function

    The respawn function was removed, it was there... how long have you been playing? :huh:
  12. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Ghillie + backpack

    How 'bout the middle ground? No backpack is shown when carrying the small ones, like the vest pouch and the small coyote but everything above that can be seen and is worn on the outside of the ghillie.
  13. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    DayZ discourages grouping with strangers

    Has been discussed in lenght already and there won't be any non-pvp servers from the official side. What I recommend you to do is take a look at the private hive section and look for a whitelisted or well admin'ed server to play on. They usually have a lot of artificial rules in place to make sure shoot on sight is not a problem anymore. But be aware, if you play on a private hive you will be subject to the admins and they can abuse the shit out of their admin rights.
  14. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    New ideas for random events

    I'm against anysort of NPCs in DayZ. I would like more events like the helicopter crash sites. I was playing the Chernarus Apocalypse mod a few days ago and there you come across this car that had hit a tree with a cow lying dead on the road and that added so much to the atmosphere of the game. Random findings like that just pull you into the game I think.
  15. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Bleeding intension and duration

    The whole medical system needs an overhaul and there are a lot of good threads about it on this forum.
  16. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Clan Armbands or clothing

    A good idea and should come along with a more indepth character 'creation' and customization. I like that you'd have to find them and don't just get them another thing might be you could find stuff to custumize your insignia.
  17. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Artillery Strikes

    On stupid comments like that... yes.
  18. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Human <100% --- Humanity --- 0%> Zed

    What game have you been playing? :huh:Everywhere you go DayZ is desrcibed as a post apocalyptic survival sandbox.
  19. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Artillery Strikes

  20. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Women Zombies?

    Again for those necrophiliac creeps huh? Been suggested hundreds of times before and I'm sure they'll be in the full game.
  21. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Zombie virús

    Rocket said the survivors might be immune to the virus thus why they survived in the first place. He's currently developing the specifics with his firend who's a virologist for the equivilant of the CDC in New Zealand.
  22. starwarsfan@gmx.de


  23. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    DayZ in Takistan & Zargabad

    There is a thing called Edit button you know...
  24. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    lol this thread is still going?