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Everything posted by starwarsfan@gmx.de

  1. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    1 suggestion/request for the stand alone.

    I think that's rather realistic in a way. I mean all this running around shooting, throwing grenades and instantly switching weapons in other 'typical FPS' games is pretty stupid and unrealistic. Arma 2 and with it DayZ is a lot slower in pace than those 'typical FPS' and that's what I like about it. There really is no 'run&gunning' in this game and it should stay that way.
  2. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    When you make console versions, will that include WiiU

    I think Rocket said if anything it'd be on the NEXT generation of Consoles, so Playsation 4/Xbox 720 and they might very well be able to handle it.
  3. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Idea implementations List

    There already is a list of suggestions and that one gets constanly ignored too. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/38742-suggestions-for-the-dayz-standalone-thinking-outside-of-the-limitations-of-an-arma-2-mod/
  4. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    DayZ suggestion #5 - Chainsaw

    This isn't Evil Dead. I really don't like the idea somehow, it just doesn't fit with the 'serious' setting of DayZ.
  5. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Microphone (Proximity)

    Uhm... isnt this in the game anyway? I could be wrong, but the farther away people get from you the quiter you get don't you? At the very least the mod ACRE has something like this, I'm sure.
  6. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Plane crash sites?

    More 'events' like the Helicopter Crash could be nice. But I would like to things more subtle and immersing. For exapmle, in this mod for Arma called Chernarus Apocalypse in the first part you find this car rammed against a tree with a dead woman in it and a dead cow lying on the road. I really felt like that would be something that would happen in an Apocalypse and it really drew me into the world somehow. I'm not particularly keen on more 'epic' loot sites in the game. There is already a overflow of high grade weaponry and equipment in the game. As for making the make easier for large parties, it's not the point of the game to be easy and especially not for larger groups. In a Post-Apocalyptic World such as we have there is supposed to be a shortage on supplies and everyone should struggle for their survival. Groups should bring with them the problem of supplying themselfes with enough weaponry(or rather ammunition) and food supplies for everyone to create tension within the group. The Post-Apocalyptic scenario is always about the drama between the people, not about the zombies or whatever else brought down human civilization.
  7. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Dayz and 'perks'

    The idea of not being able to fire a gun accuratly when you spawn is just simply stupid. Handling a gun is not that difficult, it's basically just point and shoot. When I went through Basic Training it was the first time I ever had a gun in my hand and I could still hit shit, it's really not that hard. It only gets difficult the farther away your target is and that's exactly how it is in the game at the moment you have to guess where to point and hope it hits your target and thats the way it should be. You can add all the skills you want but adding a skill for gun handling? No. This isn't a Roleplaying Game with Stats for everything, here you can either shoot a gun and hit someone or you can't. Besides, adding such a skill would only give players that have survived an unfair advantage over people who just spawned, same goes for every sort of skill but with shooting a gun it's really something game breaking.
  8. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Churches & Repentance

    lol all the hate on religion in this thread.
  9. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    CPR and AEDs

    What? That seriously doesn't make any sense. Use your commen sense and it'll be 'proper'.If you use the search for Tags you actually find stuff, that is if people would actually use tags and do so properly(which means in a way that makes sense). I guess someone should actually make a thread on how to use the search. :rolleyes:
  10. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    A brainstorm of DayZ Ideas

    You're trollin with that, right, right, right?
  11. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Perks of being a hero/bandit

    I never said I support that. I'm actually against that and think it should be removed.
  12. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    CPR and AEDs

    Might be because people can't seem to tag their threads properly, just look at yours. You tagged it Groups and Teamwork, how is someone searching for what you suggested going to find this thread?
  13. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Suggestion for the forum moderators

    Quoted from Rocket himself:
  14. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Dayz and 'perks'

    SEARCH... use it. Seriously though I mean come on I just read a thread about the exact same thing not a few hours ago and that one was way more thought out. Though I guess at least you know how to use tags so other people can find your thread unlike that guy that made the other thread.
  15. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    [Suggestion] DRH make short daily update postings.

    Isn't that what Twitter is for?
  16. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    dayz location ideas

    That might be because people like you post threads and don't use any TAGs so other people can actually find their treads through the SEARCH. <.<
  17. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Manned airbases and military areas

    Not again with the NPCs... there are zombies and other players for that.
  18. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    dayz location ideas

    The point is that you should search ALL your ideas before posting. I could've just linked you to those threads, but that would defeat the purpose.
  19. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Server Review. Blood4Odin & Hull_Creature

    lol you registered on these Forums just to post that? Seriously, it's a Private Hive what do you expect? There is a reason the Official Hive Servers are regulated and have to put up with all those hosting rules.
  20. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    dayz location ideas

    How 'bout you just use the SEARCH, or at the very least make a more well thought out thread instead of just a list with names with ideas without further going into how they'd work.
  21. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    A Couple of Questions about Hackers

    lol you just made my day, sir. So much ingnorance in one post I have not seen in a few days. I see you fail to understand what the words MOD and ALPHA mean. You didn't buy anything from Rocket, he doesn't owe you anything. But I'm sure you don't understand that concept.
  22. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Why I play as a bandit and some analysis

    Which would completly kill solo playability. Besides, most Bandits are rolling with groups anyway and can easily balance their group through out of game communication which in turn gives them a huge advantage over groups that were brought together by chance.
  23. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Perks of being a hero/bandit

    People should not get 'perks' for playing a certain way and having a fancy skin and especially not perks like better aim and accuracy that give them an unfair advantage over other people that play differently. But seriously... better aim? WTF? Why does this keep coming up. Either you can shoot in this game or not, no aim assist. Thank you.
  24. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    Death and the destruction of gear

    I really like the idea and think it would add alot to the game. Another reason to go for that headshot, instead of just spraying bullets everywhere. But only the complex suggestion should be considered, the simple one just doesn't feel right to me.
  25. starwarsfan@gmx.de

    The "Zombie" Virus and You.

    The part about the symptoms kinda reminds me of what I wrote in another Thread, so naturally I like the idea. But I think 4 hours is too long and I don't like the part with the hallucinations either.