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Everything posted by Nineel

  1. Being a bandit is always fun.
  2. I'm game. I want to get to a place where we're actively finding and tracking other players. I want to follow people to find camps and vehicles. It's difficult hard and long work.
  3. It's an awful idea and you should feel bad too.
  4. Nineel

    Small Tactical Group Looking For New Buddys

    There's about a million Jamie Wood's out there on Skype I'm afraid. You can steam me: Nineel that might make life easier.
  5. Nineel

    Small Tactical Group Looking For New Buddys

    I'm game for a decent team. What nationality? I can join US servers but that's about 150 ping and I get kicked often. (I'm in UK) EDIT: Nevermind saw you're GMT. When's a good time to add you?
  6. Nineel

    Green mountain...

    Ah Green Mountain. I used to be afraid before I spent the night there. We love you all up here, you know that? Just come and visit once in a while, we'd be glad to see you. We love... We luv... Luv... I love. We luv u vry mch.
  7. That's a grand old post. I like to think myself somewhat of a smuggler. If you ever need someone who knows the map like the back of his hand and can find almost anything you're after, don't be afraid to outsource to me. We could even run together if you ever fancy it. I'd love to be a part of some sort of Merc crew.
  8. Nineel

    Tents Wiped?

    Tents gone walkabout? Anyone else lose their tent after the update?
  9. Nineel

    Putting the Good Stuff in OUR Hands

    This'd be great IF items didn't respawn. As far as that goes it really makes no difference.
  10. So how do you guys deal with the zombies that don't care about barbed wire?
  11. Nineel

    Want to make a difference in DayZ?

    I'm game for running supplies north, but I'll do it for a price. An FN FAL to start and mags with each run. Feel free to message me if you'd like to discuss further. Dangerous work running hospitals.
  12. Excellent stuff. Can we get a voice over perhaps? I'd like to get to know my new radio host.
  13. Nineel

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Well, I've been playing a while now, got myself a day 25 character and still going. Weirdest thing I can recall was about 2 weeks ago. All of the way up the north west there's a place called Grozny Pass. Follow the main road for about 5 or 10, or even god knows how long I wasn't paying attention, mins on foot then you'll come to a fork in the road. Take the left path. Always take the left path if you know what's good for you. To the right path leads madness. A couple of days previous I got my sneak on up on and solid snaked it behind some poor guy in the market in Vybor. He had his back to me and I told him through direct chat; "If you turn around I'll kill you." He sat up straight and seemed to stay still. "Drop everything you have then walk forwards from the loot." Again he did as he was told but never spoke to me. "Stay still I'm going to check your pack to see if you were holding out on me" I tell him. He'd done as he was told and dropped it all. I quickly gathered all his things but left his makarov and 1 mag for it. "Thanks for cooperating, I'll tell you when you can turn around" I backed out of the store and once our line of sight was broken I gave him the go ahead. I went north and promptly went back to my little camp to deposit all my delicious loot. Once I was done I decided Lopatino was worth a little spying on. Watching from a higher place with my binos I saw a player run into the church. I decided fairly quickly that players are far more interesting up close than at a distance. Getting near to the church I heard a gun sound off a couple of times, sounded like the makarov, you know what I mean, that 'put put put' it makes. Once the firing had ceased I threw a smoke grenade inside to get the attention of the local horde to go in and flush my prey out. The zombies came flying past me into the smoke but my guest didn't panic shoot at all. In fact there were no shots at all. Once the smoke died down the Zack dispersed and I was left watching the door. I waited and waited, minutes or an hour I'll never know it was so tense eventually I thought what the hell and called out over chat. "Hello?" Much to my surprise I got an answer. "You again?" It was my friend from Vybor. "Well hello there, how are you keeping?" I jested at him but I got no response. "You didn't go and log out on me did you?" I said after waiting for a little while. Finally he replied. "Karma's a bitch you know." What an odd reply I though, I've got him out gunned and he's trapped. How on earth would he possibly have the upper hand? That's when I looked around from the door. All those zombies that I'd attracted with the smoke were all stood around me. Not attacking, not making any noise just stood there watching me. I fucking bolted. I've never moved so quickly ever. I ran north out of town and up a hill. That's when things turned really weird. I got a distorted laugh over the comm channel and when I turned around nothing was there. No one was following me, zombie or player. "Where'd you go, man?" I heard, but I thought it was silly, direct chat only has an 80m range, it quickly went from silly to frightening, that meant he was near. I powered north some more. Sticking to the main road so I could see clearly behind me. I ran past a small lake then came to some industrial buildings. Not a zombie in sight. Just as I stopped running to have a look behind me I got that laugh again. That was when I saw him, coming up the road with maybe 10 zombies in tow. Now don't get me wrong, they could have just been chasing him but it was far beyond strange. I hit the deck, took my FAL out and dropped him. As soon as he hit the floor the zombies dissappeared. What was strange though was I got no "Soandso has been killed". So I put a few more shots into him and advanced slowly. He didn't move but as soon as I reached his body to check it, it vanished. Seriously creeped out I went to proceed south when I saw a horde of something like 20 zombies coming at me. Low on ammo I did the only thing I could, I turned and pegged it. I went north through Grozny Pass and stopped briefly to assess my situation, that horde of 20 had become something like double. I kept running until I goto that fork in the road and ran right, desperately looking back and only seeing their numbers swell. I did it a couple more times when suddenly when I turned around I saw a player with is back to me. I stopped and shouted. "Hey, give me a hand with these I'll make it worth your while" As soon as I'd said something weird happened, I looked back and the zombies had gone docile. As I moved my head forward I came to notice there was some sort of camp in the road, tents and barbed wire. I looked forward to see the player and he'd turned around and walked real close to me. I shit myself. This guy looked like a zombie. All I heard was; "I'm sure you will" Followed by that laugh. My character passed out. Everything went white and my blood went down to just over 2000 but I wasn't bleeding. The timer stayed there for so long I just quit. However when I went back to it the next morning, I found myself at my tent, still with 2000 blood but everything I had that could be stolen had been. Turns out that fucking creep was right, Karma is a bitch. Don't rob from other players guys. EDIT: Spellings
  14. Nineel

    Tents Wiped?

    Why not? C'mon folks it's not that hard to update! I need me some answers!
  15. Nineel

    UK Group

    Mid Wales but I'm from Nottingham. I'd love some people to play with.