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About alaaa

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  1. Yeah same, if more users are available for that i'm up too for a little donation :)
  2. i'm really sad about this, your server was for sure one of the bests around here :(
  3. try an in-between! Something like 65!
  4. just a question, are you experiencing any issue in wearing camo/ghillie on US128?
  5. Consequences for murdering is against the spirit of the game, i'm more for facultative alternate skins for people with high values of humanity.
  6. NO. You are always dead before hearing the heartbeat. It's a nice complementary feature, but not a solution at all.
  7. Yeah! This is exactly the purpose behind the radio suggestion!
  8. There are mods, if they really want to move it they can. What's the issue?
  9. that are just examples, skins can be created, reworked and added, so changing it is not a big issue, i care more about the mechanic it self than the helmet color :P
  10. it's the only one camouflage skin already included in Arma that is a bit different from the other camouflage skins, this is the only reason because i pick it.
  11. main post updated! - 12/07/012 : removed the TinCan anticheat idea because Rocket already fixed the item references in 1.7.2, added 2 new suggestions: Car Paints and Power Plants!