Hey all, I've got a server, which has had some peculiar problems as of late. It started 2 days ago, where the time/light on the server was dark, however, not pitch black. Then I died, logged out for a while whilst complaining to the gods of DayZ, and when I came back it was light. Blue sky, bright sun, everything. I was like "huh, that was weird". Then I died rather fast again (the whole starting process with dieing and all that), and once I came back it was pitch black. Very weird, however, it was quite late, so I thought it to be a synch issue with the hive. Then last night, it was bright for unusually long. I stopped playing at ~21-22 and the server was still clear and not dark as it normally is (the dark, but not pitch black dark). Then I log in today, 14:30 and the server is pitch black. Restart and it changed to the proper time. Is this a hive problem? Or should I just create some scheduled restarts to keep it all running smoothly? (if I do this, where do I make automated server broadcasts that it's going to restart?). tl;dr: The time / day light has gone heywire. Can I fix it? Regards Tquila