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Everything posted by dlp12

  1. dlp12

    Lost Friend

    I hope I'm posting this in the right place. Was playing with some cool dude. I was in Novy Sobor in a barn or something at about 1:10-1:15 AM PST. I'm a black dude with a payday mask, black bandana, green clothing and a purple backpack. The guy had a red flannel with blue jeans, a bat, and a motorcycle helmet. The server lost connection. The last thing the guy said to me was we should hook up in Teamspeak or Mumble if something happens. Pretty ironic. If this is you, message me or some shit.
  2. dlp12

    Banned for combat logging

    You are correct.http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1251-want-to-host-a-dayz-server-read-in-here/
  3. When I play everything on low, I can get a good 50-60 FPS, but when I try to enjoy the game at it's fullest with maxed settings, I get 5 FPS AT MAX. I have a 750 watt PSU powering a GeForce GTX 570 with 2560 MB of VRAM and a Intel i5 2500k. I've heard that DayZ is poorly optimized because of the amount of zombies and more, but I see plenty of videos of people playing fine with maxed settings. Why is this happening? Are the YouTubers lying about their settings? Do I need to adjust something? Thanks for any help in advance.
  4. dlp12

    GTX 570 + i5 2500k 5 FPS

    Well I get good FPS without anti-aliasing, but I want to play with it on because the edges of objects look so much smoother. Oh well, I guess I will do without.
  5. dlp12

    GTX 570 + i5 2500k 5 FPS

    They are basically all as high as they can go besides ATOC and post processing. 3D resolution is 100%.
  6. dlp12

    GTX 570 + i5 2500k 5 FPS

    I'm using the latest beta drivers.
  7. dlp12

    GTX 570 + i5 2500k 5 FPS

    They're already both set to 1.
  8. dlp12

    GTX 570 + i5 2500k 5 FPS

    I have done everything but your last suggestion. I will go try that.
  9. dlp12

    GTX 570 + i5 2500k 5 FPS

    8 GB of RAM OC'd @ 1600
  10. dlp12

    Can't search gutted animal

    This has also happened to me. The solution is simply patience. If you sit at the body and wait for a minute or two, you will eventually be able to loot the animal. It's a weird bug, indeed.
  11. Just got telported to a hacker and then shot just a few seconds ago.
  12. dlp12

    Seattle 104 Hacker

    Seattle 104. I'm keeping my name confidential. The time was about a minute before I made the forum post.
  13. Perry [sAS] picked me up in an SUV. I was very confused considering the fact that the vehicle is not on the wiki. I decided to believe they simply killed the hacker who spawned it or found it. But later, I reviewed a video that I took and found he was wearing the largest bag in the game and he was holding the L85A2 AWS. This is obviously not solid proof, but considering the fact that he's driving a vehicle that is not legitimately in the game while holding the rarest gun in the game makes me wonder.
  14. dlp12

    Destroying Friendships

    Snort, if I ever saw you in real life, I would give you the biggest, heterosexual hug in the world.
  15. So far, SAS members have been spotted on their own server with helicopters, an SUV, and they always have guns. A little suspicious...?
  16. Well, whether he's the host or not, does that mean he's in the right to hack? Nope.
  17. That seemed to do the trick. I hope I don't have to continue using the Six Launcher though. I don't know why, I just prefer Steam.
  18. Well the thing is, I've used Steam since I bought the game. I'm not sure if it has to do anything with it, I just added it to hopefully help diagnose my problem. I just like to see how many hours I've played in DayZ on my profile, I'm not too sure why haha. I guess I'll go ahead and try Six launcer.
  19. I'm using with the 94876 beta. I'm running the game through Steam. Every server I join, it loads fairly quick until I get to the black loading screen, that's when the game freezes. Is anyone else getting this? Does anyone have a solution? Sorry if this has already been asked.
  20. dlp12

    Teleport hack, Seattle 31.

    I was just a victim on the same server to a teleporter. :/
  21. You really seem to want to get rid of this thread quick. Looks like someone is nervous... Also, we do not have any relations to kitta.