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Everything posted by aussiestig

  1. aussiestig

    If Rocket messaged you tomorrow...

    And he'd tell you to get out because you have no idea what you're talking about.
  2. aussiestig

    Fixing registry?

    Sounds a lot like a BattlEye error to me Download the latest battleye update here: http://www.battleye.com/download.html It'll be the 'client' one for Arma 2.
  3. Hero's do not run faster, it's a myth. What I assume has been happening is people have been running for awhile, and they changed to a hero, and it reset their stamina/how tired you are back to the normal state. So you'll be faster for a few minutes until you're tired again. Much like you're faster when you're a brand new spawn, but you get slower the more you run.
  4. aussiestig

    Need help with graphics cards...

    Give us the full spectrum of your computer specs CPU: Motherboard: Ram: PowerSupply wattage (this is important): Also, give us a price range. Telling us that you want a new GPU isn't helpful, there are graphics cards available from $70 through to $1300
  5. aussiestig

    Is it just me?

    It's not just you. Old but gold.
  6. aussiestig

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Do you mean cores? Arma 3 is getting an update soon that means it uses more than 2, but whether that update makes it into DayZ is up to Rocket. It'd be a smart decision, but I have no idea how hard it'd be to implement, so we'll have to wait As Matt keeps saying, it'll come out this year. The further they get into development, the more rocket wants to add. He really wants to turn DayZ SA into a new game, and not just an update for the mod we've been playing. I'd love to say that it'll be out soon, but none of really know, not even rocket himself. He's going to Mt. Everest in a month or so, so my guess is that he'll start testing soon after he's back, and then have it released after that. I'd take a guess and say Summer American time.
  7. aussiestig

    Bullet wounds are horribly unrealistic

    I know what a stripper clip is, and a magazine isn't one, therefore, it's the wrong term.
  8. I honestly feel like Frankie is just uploading this video for the views. There is nothing new in their, and half the questions that he asks, Matt doesn't know how answer anyway.
  9. You're getting this totally confused with "GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000" in your Arma 2 cfg file. Set your vram to the max in your launch options, not ten, and set your "GPU_MaxFramesAhead" to 1.
  10. aussiestig

    Bullet wounds are horribly unrealistic

    My life, me. Even though it's just at my computer screen, I swear every time a journalist uses the words 'clip', 'assault rifle', 'military style', 'machine gun', or the best one, 'assault clip' when talking about AR-15's.
  11. aussiestig

    Bullet wounds are horribly unrealistic

    I never take anything seriously from someone who calls 'magazines', 'clips'
  12. aussiestig

    Dayz-like mod development on ARMA III

    Exactly what Orlok said, it's not in development for Arma 3, because it's just an Arma 2 mod. It came out before DayZ did. And by the way OP. The Arma 3 engine is the engine from Arma 2 with some tweaks. it's not a new engine by any means. Dean has been picking bits and pieces from Arma 3, so just be patient. I for one don't mind the graphics in the dayz SA, it's not worth the several months development time of importing all the work they've done on arma 3 into dayz, and having to make a new map for it as well.
  13. Welcome to a military simulator! Something that has literally nothing to do with 'finding loot' or 'surviving'.
  14. Why don't you go an enjoy some real arma 3 gamemodes, and other player missions. There's more to arma than just wasteland and dayz, a lot more.
  15. aussiestig

    ArmA III(DayZ stand alone) engine improvements

    But we've already seen what the DayZ SA looks like, it's much much closer to Arma 2, then Arma 3. I'm not expecting the DayZ SA engine to be anything like the Arma 3 version. Sounds like you're getting your hopes up, OP
  16. aussiestig

    Best Assault Rifle?

    I agree, the word "Battlerifle" is one coined by the US Government if I remember correctly, and is pretty much never used anywhere else. Never the less, an M14 is not an assault rifle, and even though it's a stupid word, it is a battlerifle. If the question was "What is your favourite PvP weapon", then every day of the week I'll pick the M14 just like you, because I just cannot fault it, but obviously it's not an Assault Rifle. So I'd go with the M4A3 CCO due to it's compact size, accurate fire, and excellent optics. /k/ - weapons. The 4chan weapons board. Probably one of the only good boards left.
  17. aussiestig

    Swimming on dry land

    Have you tried swimming to the sea? Maybe you're actually jesus, and you'll be able to walk on the water.
  18. No offense mate, but you've just come on to the forum, and asked a player base, which 99.9% of don't play on your server, and you want donations? I've played on your server before, and it was just a complete hackerfest, and I've even heard reports of your admins resorting to hacking at some points. That might not be true, but it wouldn't surprise when when there have been that many hackers on there before. If you can't afford to pay for the server, then you probably shouldn't be hosting. I for one would only put my money into a server that is unique, and is doing a good job of hosting.
  19. aussiestig

    Best Assault Rifle?

    But the question is "Best Assault Rifle" dipshit. Don't get snarly with me, I've spent the last 3 years browsing /k/, why don't you get your ass onto a real weapons board, instead of a circle jerk about muh survival prepping for ledoomsday and being as right wing as possible.
  20. aussiestig

    Best Assault Rifle?

    This may be a 6 month old thread, but I don't care. The M14 is a battle rifle, and has pretty much no Assault Rifle characteristics. So even if you did like it, you could hardly say it's the best "assault rifle"
  21. aussiestig

    Emetophobia - Will I have problems?

    Are you literally retarded? The last time he saw someone puking, he had a heart attack. How on earth do you think that playing something with puking in it is going to be good for him? What are we supposed to do about it though? Do you think being a forum moderator comes with being able to cure things? I don't think so
  22. aussiestig

    Would Dayz feel/be different if...

    Oh you ;)
  23. aussiestig

    Would Dayz feel/be different if...

    I think whatever map we originally got was going to always grow on us. It's the map we all started playing on, and probably enjoyed the most. Fun fact, DayZ was made for Utes in the earlier stages of development.
  24. That's what I thought, but it's actually a lot bigger than Utes, probably 3-4 times bigger. It won't be the greatest map for dayz, but with 20-30 players, it could still be great fun.
  25. aussiestig

    Emetophobia - Will I have problems?

    I hope for your sake that because it is in gaming, it doesn't have any affect on you. Do you know what it is that scares you? Just the look and sound of it? The thought that they are throwing up disgusting stuff?